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I would like a stethoscope that I can plug into my computer to use with audacity. Unfortunately, I can only find digital stethoscopes that cost hundreds of dollars (pic related is $500 for some reason)
Cheap stethoscopes go for as little as $6 so I would like to splice my own AUX cable or usb cable in myself.

Any ideas for how to do it?
> cheap

Cheap digital stethoscopes? You're not going to get better than that Littman for $300. Nothing good is cheap, if it's 'latest tech' and made for a tradie.
>so I would like to splice my own AUX cable or usb cable in myself.
like, what, just mash the wires down the tube?
sorry anon, if I knew what I was doing I'd do it. I have no idea what I'm doing.
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>if I knew what I was doing I'd do it

you can prob just scotch tape a mic to a regular stetho
if no good, you can get amplified ones, and tap into the speaker, for $30-40
i have one such thing with double earphone plugs so both parents can listen to baby heartbeat at same time
can't you just stuff a collar microphone on the end of good old stethoscope?
Are you trying to diy your heart murmur? Just rig a mic up to the end of a cheap regular stethescope. Like with hot glue.
t. MD
>buy shit stethoscope
>plug one ear
>place USB microphone in other ear
>u have now /diy/
5 secs...
There's only two companies on the planet that make stethoscopes and with that duopoly they charge whatever they want for them. Digital ones are still relatively new and expensive. A very good regular stethoscope that will last a whole career is $~500. Digital ones won't last 40 years and are a lot more than that.
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I did this to plot how effective different sprays were on the hornet nest on the other side of my wall back in the day, can confirm just stuff a microphone into a cheap chink stethoscope and it'll work
Just literally showed you two that cost mere dozens; it's not rocket science, you know, you can literally just hack one yourself with literally any mic. Like, literally literally lol

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