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I literally CAN NOT get fucking LED lights to not burn my plants. The only way appears to be to set them so low they don't put out any fucking light. It makes zero sense that I can put a plant outfuckingdoors in 2000 par and it do fine, but put it indoors at 150 and it burns to a crisp. These fucking things must be putting out sky fucking high UV radiation or something. I've had enough. I'm switching back to fluorescents. I simply can not deal with this shit anymore.
no one asked.
Suck my dick.
skill issue
Have you tried filters between the light and plant
>burn my plants
post pic, could be nutrient burn as well or some sickness
you're using warm white leds when you should be using cool
This desu.
>A. Post more info so you can receive help along with standard useless shit posts
>B. Cry about it but don’t give more info and receive well deserved shit posts but no help
Silly twat.
I agree with this. I have had to raise the LED array far higher than I initially thought would be necessary. Toasted my 'normal' tomatoes (San Marzano) again this year, but interestingly, the Indigo Blue tomatoes survived.
The 5G radiation coming from those Chinese LEDs is killing your plants and you. It's literally ionizing the air into Radon gas and frying the plants cells.
Why should I need filters on a light that's only producing 300 par max? I could put these plants in full clear sky sun at 2000 par and they wouldn't do this. What the fuck is wrong with LEDs? Other light sources don't act like this.

Why would infrared burn plants? I assume that's what you mean.

I've noticed my variegated plants don't burn so fast. And the burn isn't crispy leaves, except on agricultural crops. On houseplants it's BLACK. It's literally sunburn as if UV light is the issue. I'm convinced white LEDs put out a fucking insane amount of UV light and everyone is lying about it.
Do you have a fan blowing? It might be literal burning
Begging the question, once again, WHY do LEDs require fans? No other lighting does. What the fuck is going on with these pieces of shit?
Nearly every light source gives off a broad spectrum of light. LEDs give off light at a single frequency. So for a given lux rating, you're getting 100x the power at that one frequency.
White is a single frequency? Fascinating.
LEDs don't give out white. There is a diffuser on top of your "white" LED.
So what "color" is it? UV?
Usually blue because that's the most lumen/watt
Because the inside offers zero airflow as opposed to outside.
Also depending on the grow light you might need distance, directly under a grow you might can measure 3000-4000 umols, you need height for the light to spread to get a more nominal light distribution.
Flourecsents have their light spread so far already so they need to be close.

White LEDs convert blue light to many other wavelengths, there is no "one frequency" after the phosphor, most of the original light is actually converted to other frequencies
So UV.

>Because the inside offers zero airflow as opposed to outside.
Funny, other types of lights don't give a shit about this.
>So UV.
Blue isn't UV light, UV light is under 400nm, blue LED pump diodes are ~445nm
>Funny, other types of lights don't give a shit about this.
When I had an 8 bulb 4ft T5 HO fixture, it was difficult to keep things under it cool. Literally anything under a light with some ass behind it is going to want some airflow.
Blue doesn't burn the everliving fuck out of plants either.

>When I had an 8 bulb 4ft T5 HO fixture, it was difficult to keep things under it cool.
Heat is absolutely NOT the problem here.
Could you atleast post the light your apparently having issues with? Or post a pic
Nothing your saying makes much sense.
LEDs don't put out dick for UV, even fixtures with added UV are often near-UV 405-395nm shit and even then it's usually minimal.
>Works on my machine
Then you can see your way out of the thread. Easy. This isn't exactly a rare issue with LED lighting.
Do you actually have an issue or just want to rant?
And what's not exactly a rare issue with LED lighting, the fact you might physically burn a plant letting it get too close?
LEDs are shit technology and either need to get their shit together or fuck off.
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>Why should I need filters on a light that's only producing 300 par max? What the fuck is wrong with LEDs? Other light sources don't act like this.
of course not, they emit totally different wavelengths. different plants react differently to specific wavelengths, some prefer more blue light, others need more red. you'll have to research what your plants need and choose lighting to satisfy it. while instead of filters though you may also want to diffuse the light using a white sheet or something like that, natural light and conventional bulbs are very diffuse while LED is direct and harsh.
>of course not, they emit totally different wavelengths. different plants react differently to specific wavelengths, some prefer more blue light, others need more red.
Don't give me that bullshit. Why is literally every single monkey with access to a computer openly lying about how LED lights work? They're clearly juicing the fuck out of UV. That's the only way they could be sunburning plants.
LEDs can be engineered to produce UV and any other part of the spectrum, that's not a conspiracy. just saying 'LED' doesn't mean anything with regard to the light it emits, that depends on the individual device and the purpose the manufacturer intended for it. it's up to you to find out what kind of LEDs you have or need.
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>They're clearly juicing the fuck out of UV. That's the only way they could be sunburning plants.
They also could be too damn close
LEDs can be stupid powerful
You realize you can measure light output, right? I've already stated the light output in this thread multiple times. 200 PAR (μmols) should IN NO WAY be burning plants. Something weird is happening there.
It's me, I give up. I've been sneaking in with one of those lights that they keep fries hot with when you're not home and going apeshit on your plants just to fuck with you. Didn't think you'd go all the way to making a thread here about it though! Ha ha good times!
>after the phosphor
My point exactly.
I've got a bunch of cri97 led lights, instant start, dimmable, low power, bright, doesn't flicker, don't get hot, guaranteed for 5 years.

They're great.
Photone app for android phones
Your filename says heatlamp. Those are for raising chicks from eggs.
You can get LED plant lights that are basically heatless.
If you're growing weed you should probably have already come across sage advice in the form of colour LED spectrums for plants
Might I suggest
maybe they are not "burning" you faggot but die because they aren't getting the right wavelengths or you have the lights turned on whole day
Plants turning black within a day or brown and crispy is burning.
Yellow is usually too much water
Brown/Black is light

Normal LED bulbs will keep nearly anything alive but you want white/blue and a mix of the yellowy ones for blooming/fruiting/seeding whatever.

>t. autist with a 10'x10' bathroom with literally hundreds of plants in it
That's literally what I have. Again, I am FAR from the first person to notice "tip burn" from LEDs. Other lights DO NOT DO THIS.
Post your LED fixtures, after taking the diffusor off. I'm betting there's some LED chips without phosphors in there.
Because infrared passes through chlorophyll and is directly converted to heat in the plants moisture. Raises the leaf temp and dries it out
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>finally comes out its just a tard feeding too strong
Many such cases!

LEDs hardly have any infrared, unless you specifically add it.
Alot of the light output from HPS is infrared tho, kind why you have to keep it fridgied at 70f when plants under LEDs are happy with 80f

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