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Can I place my mattress directly on this, and then on my carpet floor, and be safe from mould and condensation? If not, what if I make deep cuts into it every inch or so, which would allow for ventilation
The mattress compressing against a surface IS what traps moisture.
That is clearly a surface. Just do the useful thing and buy some planks and lay them in 2 layers with crossing directions.
Mattress should be at least 6” off ground to avoid insect infestation.

If you got moisture under your mattress then it sounds like you have a bigger problem than using a pad. You won't get moisture there under normal conditions. What piece of shit house you live in? Do you piss your bed or wipe your cum under the mattress? There should be no reason for moisture to be there unless you 500 pounds have no AC and sweat profusely in bed.
Ground moisture is always rising through every structure.

where the fuck does ground moisture wick up thru house floorboards and carpet to make a goddamn mattress wet? you are a retard shutup
It’s a vapor.
Get a cheap bed frame from Amazon. I got a wood one cheaper than I could buy the wood for at the time. Left the legs off because it was going in a teardrop camper. Works great for air to circulate underneath.
Just pick it up and let it air out against the wall a few times a month

if vapor can seep thru your floorboards and anything else under your house, then its time to re-evaluate your life and wonder why you are living in a cardboard box. no normal home will wick up moisture from underneath and saturate floorboards. if so every house in the world would do that and people would be replacing subfloors all the time. stop talking out your ass. go learn some basic construction methods then come back and pretend like you know something.
>wick up moisture
It’s a vapor.
>saturate floorboards
It’s a vapor. But it can be trapped by impervious synthetics such as mattress foam.
No, that won't work, however making a ghetto bedframe that will provide plenty of ventilation is cheap and easy if you have any diy chops. Build a platform like you would if you were building a floor and drill some 1/4 in holes spaced at least 2" apart all over the plywood. Then give it some legs that lift it at least 1/2" off the ground. I used this with my custom mattress and I've never had mold issues.
You are an idiot, shutup tard
What is condensing?
not that anon but theres moisture all over my fucking house because i live on the coast. have to put my perishables in the fridge or freezier so they dont get mushy. I run adehumidifier in my room all the time and dump fat buckets of water outside on a regular basis.

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