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does anyone make these with a long shank that adapts to a 1/4" hex shank? i'm so tired of having to grip these with a pair of fucking pliers.
>google it
wiha makes something close but the neck diameter is too fat to fit into recessed holes.
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yes, i've seen that style. i'm looking for something like pic related, but in "precision screwdriver" sizes.
You're looking for "bolstered" screw drivers, tons of companies make them. I doubt you'll find anything smaller than a phillips #1 or equivalent slotted size though.

Wont work for OP, he needs to be able to go after recessed screws
>I doubt you'll find anything smaller than a phillips #1 or equivalent slotted size though.

that's annoying. i can't believe there isn't anything on the market for this. being able to use a high quality ratcheting hex-shank screwdriver would be such a huge step up over this knurled metal or big plastic handle bullshit.
oh i thought you wanted high torque not high speed, since you were talking about putting a pair of pliers on it. Look in to bits for electric torque drivers, they'll have something. They'll also be retarded expensive.

or shit like

thanks, i think that would work fine.
Be warned if you put this on an electric driver and use it to put #00 into something at high speed, it’ll destroy the hole from the inertia alone. Precision screwdrivers are made because the difference between tight and broken on these screws is a tiny fraction of a turn.
precision screwdrivers in 4mm bits
wiha does. No I don't have a part number as I looked it up over a year ago when I was shopping for work toolboxes. Very few applications that these are necessary for
clutches exist
Are you looking for small, long screwdrivers with better handles? If so, you can get pic rel or equivalent chink shit from ali

If you want a really small bit that you can throw into your impact driver, then that's stupid. But if you really must, get a 1/4" hex jacobs chuck and some really long precision bits
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I have a really nice electronic screwdriver set but it’s a brand name and costs a lot of money like hundreds of dollars

Why don’t you just take a harbor freight bit kit, Chuck it olio in a lathe, drill an undersized hole then press the shaft of the screwdriver into it?

This is like basic bullshit of tinkering in the garage
which aren't sensitive enough at low to moderate pricing to not damage things at precision sizing.
are you retarded? for example there is this which does 0.17 to 1.7 inch pounds of torque depending on how you set the clutch
and inb4 thats not moderate pricing. it is, for example see
>GUYS trust me, $800 is moderately priced for a small screrdriver because there are ones that are MORE overpriced!
So how long is your nose again?
$800 isnt much for a precision electric torque driver. I spent over $100 on a Tohnichi RTD15CN which has a similar torque range and its just a manual hand driver.

thats why i use the cheapest piece of garbage "drill" from a hardware store as my electric driver.
with trigger adjustable speed i just drive in screws at lowest speed possible. it takes a lot of skill but its efficient and precise. hell i would say that drill has better trigger control than the makita i have at work
i want a lathe but i live in a cuckpartment.
electric, but they have bits in the JES sizes you want...and electric with torque control is extremely nice.
Drill a hole near the top and stick an Allen key through it to use as a T-handle. I have a set of Allen drivers from Amazonk that came that way.
>guys TRUST me 800 dollars is CHEAP! *rubs hands together fast enough to spark a bonfire*

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