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I want to slide a bolt along a slot and fix it like in a t bevel but somehow I can't find a strip of metal with a slot all the way along it.
What are these called and where would I find one?
Do I have to cut up a t bevel?
Why don't you drill two equal holes at each end of the slot you want, then carefully grind between the holes with a cutting disc in an angle grinder?
BTW, That is called a sliding bevel, most DIY stores should have them.
its an angle copy , most hardware stores have these in stock , they are not expensive and a must have if you do any kind of copy or refinishing work
> I can't find a strip of metal with a slot all the way along it.
That would be called two strips of metal. But really, just get two strips and join them at the end
I might have to but that's a lot of work with tools I don't have.
It's basically just a long washer so I thought I'd be able to pick up a pack for cheap at the local hardware store, but it looks like they don't exist.
>tools I don't have
You're on the wrong board if you don't have a drill and a grinder.
Look at this faggot. Posting nonsense
> /diy/
> I don't have the tools/skills

Pretty common occurrence here.
Who on earth calls a sliding bevel a "angle copy"?
You should do an internet search with some of your key words. There’s a bunch of extruded stuff that will do what you want.
I did.
Bolt slide washer? Straight slot rail? Adjustable screw clamp? Flat chain link? Extruded wingnut rod? Please help me by telling me exactly what I want is called.
>flat slotted metal strip
gibs many hits for mending plates and leads me to an amazon search of
>slotted flat bar
which has loads of exactly what you're wanting
when you don't know the exact name for shit keep your search terms dead simple and just describe its physical properties
I’ll put a a slot in your metal for $100

Give me the thickness, length and width you want, location of the slot and length and width of the slot and PayPal me
>mending plates
Thank you. That doesn't sound remotely like what I want but it's exactly the term I needed.
>keep your search terms dead simple
Good advice generally but you've got the search engine too. ebay search for 'slotted flat bar' gave crowbars and mini screwdrivers.
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Would a lid stay work?
Bevel square….

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