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I just passed an electrical inspection in the backyard apartment I am building.

Why is Mario frog?
>accidentally text the electrical inspector dick and anus pics
bros im fucked
I actually accidentally emailed my business attorney and two other associates softcore hentai because I confused the files that were next to each other. Literally felt like my chest was contracting on itself.
bros how do we stop this shit?
louis ck was right
there has to be some kind of barrier
Mario if he croak
yeah its called having a separate work laptop
Was the inspector over 50 and couldn't give 2 shits if you burned half the city down?
Did his wallet have more cash in it, when he left?
whats it like living in an unincorporated area where no inspections are required?
I just ordered Wera screwdrivers and a leather strop. Should I get the bottom surgery right away or try hormones and a name change for a year or two before I chop it off?
I don't understand saving porn at all. It's all on the internet. Just leave it there where it can't come back to bite you.
>have a seperate work laptop
>use your first work laptop exclusively for work
>you your 2nd work laptop wmfor doing work while watching porn
>when using your 2nd laptop make sure not to accidentally send porn
did you do the electric yourself and if so how much did it cost/did you have prior experience and what would you say to someone who wants to wire their own shed or cargo trailer?

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