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In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

>I want a cheap RC training plane that is turnkey.
XK Beaver
Eachine Wing Dragon
OMPHobby T720
Hobbyzone Champ (used only)

>I want a good FPV fixed wing platform.
ZOHD Drift
Sonicmodell AR Wing
Finwing Albabird

>I want a basher fixed wing model for doing crazy shit that is easily repairable.
RCFactory, Hacker and other similar profile models

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Joshua Bardwell - https://www.youtube.com/@JoshuaBardwell
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/@Painless360
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/@FliteTest
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/@PeterSripol
RCModelReviews - https://www.youtube.com/@RCModelReviews
Andrew Newton - https://www.youtube.com/@AndrewNewton
RCGutt - https://www.youtube.com/@rcgutt
RC Test Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@rctestflight
Think Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@thinkflight
Tail Heavy Productions - https://www.youtube.com/@TailHeavyProductions

Previous: >>2809234
why is discharging at 10-20C all fine and dandy but charging at 2C+ is somehow 'sketchy' and 'unsafe'
Because charging & discharging aren’t symmetrical processes from a chemistry perspective.
I have this idea of making a cheap as possible (maybe 800 dollars) long range plane running arduplane. I want it to go on missions and take nice areal photos all on its own. I also want to experiment with navigation independent of GPS. The way it would work would be to take images of the ground (idk with eg a raspicam), carry out segmentation to id roads, water and buildings. Then compare what is seen with what is in Open Street Maps.
I realize that to do this I would first need to do it in a simulation. I have used Gazebo and created models in blender but I am yet to achieve an easy way to make basically a good model of towns, countryside etc that I can simulate my plane flying through. Any ideas how to achieve such a model? I know it is done in video games. My ultimate goal is to be able to thumb my nose at any sort of anti-drone jamming/spoofing and also because I like computer vision stuff.
blender literately has a city generator plugin: https://getcitysketch.com/
can you not just feed it the video from like MS Flight Sim?
Just bought a dji mini, what's the heaviest thing i could hang off it and still maintain agility in maneuver?
Can I set up cameras pointing downwards and access telemetry?
The idea is to run one kalman filter with gps, baro pressure, compass etc. Also run another but with the image-based positioning added and cut out its gps input at a certain point. You can then see how close you are to the position estimate arrived at with the GPS.
I'm really looking to use the Gazebo, Mavproxy, SITL ecosystem because it is very close to an actual plane/drone (plus I already have everything working). I just need some really good .dae or .obj files to import into gazebo.
Do you have you any idea the amount of work it would be to recreate a 20*50km area using this method?
I haven't really messed with it but they have a whole SDK
You're right, that looks fairly promising. I'm surprised so one has made a ROS wrapper for this.
Agility? You bought a DJI quad. Those are for being slow and stable.
not really as i've never tried that one. but usually the plugins are rather easy/quick to use
in any case you won't hold 20*50km of geometry in simulator and you need to start way smaller
look at at least one project on YT that did just that with satellite imagery. in the end it didn't perform that well against real world footage but it's doable
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dont buy/use cheap battery straps, i thought kevlar was overkill and learned it wasnt the hard way

in the crash the battery ejected, gps wasnt working and the goggles recording got corrupted somehow the only thing that saved me was having a self powered beeper on the quad

im installing a louder beeper and getting kevlar straps right now
If you can fit 2 straps instead of 1, I highly recommend it.
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dji quads are min-maxed to the gram to be optimized in their exact 250 gram takeoff weight.squeezing every flight-minute possible from it.

if you put anything on it other than a lens filter it will fly like shit. you can even fly it with a gopro somewhat

id say 100gram payload is somewhat doable. there's payload drop systems on aliexpress that are fairly cheap i know a dude that used this to drop a solar LORA radio repeater on a tree on top of a hill
the ones from Flywoo are epic. got rubber threaded into the strap to completely secure the pack
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yea i considered it
i think they are too short for my 6s 21700 lion packs tho and its the heaviest pack i own that i need the strongest strap for

i ordered pic, which has an added benefit of being retroreflective which is kinda nice but i put retroreflective tape on my batteries anyway
then you did good. the 25cm one does hold a 18650 pack but it's gonna get tight with a bigger pack
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thought i wont fly anymore this week because im out of props

just as im about to discharge my lipos i find a pack of 4 props i forgot at the bottom of an fpv parts box

replaced the small buzzer with the big one on my 7 inch,a i have the small one even on my whoop
I always buy like 1-2 extra packs. They're so damn cheap that I see no reason not to have spares.
yea i somehow managed to fuck up a whole bunch in a row and didnt notice i was running out.

the last set was when i built my 7 inch drone, when i tried to take off i ran the engines hard and it didnt take off. took me a while to realise the ESCs were reversed and all i was doing was lifting up dust and small rocks which hit the props and fucked them up (i think theyre flyable but full of small dents)
I finally discovered this autistic hobby. I wanna participate.
do it
how does that no-frame tiny quad fly? if it flies well im totally making one
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how sketchy is this? it's almost fully charged (crashed on takeoff basically so it's fully charged. the cells are visibly squished

should i discharge it and throw it away or can i still use it as a goggles battery without fearing a housefire? can it light on fire if i start slowly discharging?

ive never had lipo issues / major lipo damage before
everything I have heard about lipo batteries says that crash deformation is basically an unquenchable road flare waiting to happen, even if you leave the battery sitting with no load. You have the risk of an internal short.
I wouldn’t put the battery in anything you would feel safe dropping a lit blowtorch in, or anywhere where a large hot cloud of hydrogen fluoride smoke might cause a problem
other than that, nothing to worry about
so i just brought a bomb+chemical weapon into my house
you did that when you bought the pack in the first place, you’ve just changed the length of the fuse.
That thing needs to go to one of two places. A bucket of sand, or a bucket of salt water. The sand will at least contain a fire somewhat, and the saltwater will discharge it. I'd opt for the saltwater. Just don't reach in until the bubbles quit, and make sure you keep it outdoors. The chlorine gas wouldn't be as fun as helium.
or use the Destroy option on your charger while keeping it in a metal pan
it won't explode in the worst case, just burn and release somewhat toxic smoke
its connected to my lipo charger discharging at 0.4A
will it still be dangerous when i get it to 2.7V? thats as low as the program on the charger discharges but i have those 'discharge to storage voltage' sticks that can also discharge to 0v
>or a bucket of salt water

Fucking. No.

People need to stop parroting this dumb fucking trope. You are causing more harm than good.

Fascinating! I actually really appreciate the correction. I myself pulled this info from some old dudes on a forum.
>Radioshack in the comments
I'm gonna need two white Monsters for this one.
is it still dangerous after being drained ? can some stuff still react?
completely discharge it.
I hate waiting on shit to get mailed in.
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make sure to do it outside on/in something non flammable too. just in case.

same, my buggy parts have been stuck at a USPS center for over a day now. its gonna be late.
Why does everyone insist on having the quadcopter arms be flat in the direction of thrust? All that effort to stiffen the frame, but refuse to do any verticality.

Is it a machining thing where carbon fiber is all just cut from flat plates?
>Is it a machining thing where carbon fiber is all just cut from flat plates?
yes. you could mold your own if you really wanted to or use tubes for the arms.
The whole point of the saltwater was easy discharge. If it's not effective, use a better method.
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discharged it with this thing to 0 (with the jumper)
i think i have a battery recycling bin in my workplace might chuck it in there
Good stuff. I really should get myself a discharger. Would be great if future batteries would just be happy at full charge and weren't surprise fire bombs. Sodium seems to do better with those, but the capacity sucks.
DJI has a circuit that auto-discharges their batteries to storage voltage if the battery is unused.

i wish FPV lipo companies started adding these or made one you could solder yourself (like an XT60 connector with the chip built in)

1000+mah 6s lipos are already kinda expensive i feel like people would pay a little extra for an auto-discharger auto-cell-balancer chip to make things simpler
Next time just short it with a 1k ohm resistors. A 6s at 22V using I=22V/1000ohm = 0.02 Amps. Your battery is designed to discharge dozens of amps. After a few hours the battery will be fully discharged.
>few hours
more like 65 hours for a 1300mAh pack
If you're throwing out the battery and it is sitting in a sand bucket in a ventilated area, who cares?
what are good places to get basic kits (motors,frame,flight controller etc.) that are not ebay?
I have two models on order. A Zlin Z-50 and an I-153. I kind of wanted a Zlin 526, Avia B-534, PZL P.11 and a Ju-52, but then I would be getting ahead of myself.
i got everything fpv related i own from aliexpress
Aliexpress, Banggood, Hobbyking, maybe Value Hobby (motors and parts only).
What should I offer?

I am a beginner looking to get into the hobby.
> i feel like people would pay a little extra for an auto-discharger auto-cell-balancer chip

Or they would just buy a discharger, like I did 5+ years ago?

The overwhelming majority of FPV pilots explicitly don’t want added complexity, cost, potential points of failure, etc. in their batteries.
>an auto-discharger auto-cell-balancer chip to make things simpler
spektrum smart packs have this, but they're expensive and are mainly aimed towards surface, fixed wing, and helis.
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skyzones are gonna cost you a fuckton

id say right now the best beginner deal is something like
i own a mobula 8 and the bit fancier version of these goggles (basically the same but capable of 100FPS instead of 60), in retrospect the analog ones i got were a waste of money, digital is so much better imo.

as for the drone its a big whoop capable of both indoor and outdoor flight you can take it to parks where's id be scared of flying my 3-7 inchers around people + theyre very noisy. you can crash it all day with no worries as a beginner and all the electronics are on a single board which you cant really mess up while building a quad.
Why would I want to attach that to the pack when I can simply plug the pack into a cheap discharger? FPV packs are frequently subjected to harsh use, so increasing their cost and attaching something that could end up breaking doesn't sound very smart. It's okay on a DJI pack since those are meant to power a floating camera instead of a screaming trick machine.
Could always opt for the 0 ohm method and watch it do lipo things.
how far are you from the ocean?
I'd offer $500 as a low-ball, but no higher than $800. It's used after all, but that is high quality gear right there. If you can get that all for less than $700 it's a steal.
Not sure what that has to do with anything, but I'd estimate 900 miles.
>there's a 6s drone running sony VTC4 batteries on mars
guess we wont have martian FPV anytime soon with the 240000ms latency at best

do you think we'll ever have lunar FPV? 1000ms latency flying quads inside a dome/lunar cave
>lunar cave
Let me know when they find such a thing. The entrances are all pummeled to oblivion.
some were found recently.
I already figured they might exist, seeing as the going theory is that the Moon is just a ripped of chunk of Earth, but reaching them is another story.
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I got my arrma typhon running again today.
big thanks to the anon from the last thread that told me about jennys
How’s your throwing arm?
Average at best. I was blessed with legs instead.
might be hard to punt a battery 900 miles, but I’m not saying it can’t be done.
it probably depends on the wind direction
The hell do I need the ocean for? I can make a jumper just fine.
Any tips regarding birds attacking the drone? Fly faster and don't hover?
If you’re getting attacked regularly enough to have to ask, you should find a new flying spot.
how big is the drone?
even on my 4 incher i usually chase the birds and not get chased by them
Both my 5in and whoop get physically bumped by small birds
assert dominance
attack them first go full throttle at them until they shit themselves or fly away

they attack because they think you're a pussy
The only birds that have come after mine have been hawks, and my favorite is a 2 incher. The fuck kind of birds are you dealing with?
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No probs, I'm rocking one of these now and it's help up the last few jumping sessions surprisingly, Chinesium 7075 stronk.
1-4 kHz noise emitter
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any of you use DIY 18650/21700 packs on quads? i have a circular wobble phenomenon in my quad flights and im suspecting it's some vibration of the battery pack as it has some flexability to move from side to size (in the drone's roll axis) due to it being wider than the battery pad.

how do you prevent a wide battery from wobbling on a thin drone's top plate? mount it sideways maybe?

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