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I'm about a year into a 2 year HVAC trade school program and this image just fucked me up
Are you gay?
looks like an eastern land tube worm, which were driven up from the briny depths by offshore oil mining. They developed the shiny coating to deal with sunlight, and their filter feeding apparatus is adapted to feed on insects, which are common in the swampy areas in which the worms are found. This looks like a bigger one, most are only 12 feet or so stretched out. Very little danger to humans, unless you stick your dick in them of course.
>op learns its hard to get fiberglass splinters out of his pee hole
why did this need a new thread? lurk 4 moar years
you're asking OP of all people if he's gay?
how does it take 2 years to learn HVAC? How many boxes of crayons do you eat per day? Do you think these 2+ years of schooling will be worth it for a job with a starting rate of $18 per hour?
ducts and funny.... dunny.
2 years of schooling for my universal, my hvac excellence, DDT controls certifications, I'll be pulling in more money than you guaranteed. Its a 6 figure career, man. What are you smoking?
ya I fucked up using the alternate webpage posting option on this bullshit mobile app. was supposed to go in another thread as a reply.
looks ready to settle down
>2 years of schooling for my universal
it took you 2 years of schooling to get a 608 universal? the study guide is like 75 pages, you should be able to get that in a day. how fucking retarded are you.

> I'll be pulling in more money than you guaranteed
nigger i dont even work in the trades, i have a real job, not one trying to sell home owners refrigerant marked up 1000%

>Its a 6 figure career, man
lol no, that absolute fucking cope. BLS says $57 and that is average for people in the field with experience, not some tard who took 2 years to get a 608 universal

Anyways have fun sitting on a 150 degree roof or inside an attic of similar temperature during the summer. also enjoy your student loan debt. at least all your peers are getting pussy and being able to party while they're in school. You get to fuck a fiberglass tube.
>BLS says $57
how the fuck do you call your HVAC and plumbing engineers in English?
AutoCAD has no category for us, or is it some strange term? It can't be mechanical, mechanical should be machines or structure integrity, right?
HVAC Technician
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I really shouldn't stick my penis in there.

yes yes yes dick it dick it dick it now now now
$100k is 6 figures but that doesn't mean its good money. that aside, i ask you this.

i replaced my capacitor last year because it went bad after living in my house for 2 years. i've just had to replace it again because it went bad again. what am i supposed to look for other than just replacing the capacitor potentially every year?

>fan spins with no effort and no resistance
>condensor lines don't freeze up
>wiring on the condensor unit look ok
>air filter gets replaced every 6 months
>evap coils look good

seriously, what else is there?
design engineer, not a technician
windings on the motor are starting to go bad, if the capacitor needs to be replaced more and more often.
Same problem here, but not as frequent as you. I ruled it down to my local grid glitching all the time. Try putting a dedicated surge protection on the whole circuit.
Spicy fleshlight
My father made 6 figures doing hvac in the 90s. It's actually required to live here though unlike warmer places.
It is mechanical. HVAC does some of everything. Have to wire the electrical panel, motors, thermostats, plumb water heaters and oil/gas lines, do all the ductwork with minor carpentry, chimneys and other ventilation. It's a nice variety but a fuckload of tools.

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