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File: PXL_20240717_011633269.jpg (3.41 MB, 3472x4624)
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I moved this latch while the open was on and now it won't come back. The oven beeped and showed REMOVE LOC on the display or something similar, but it won't let me.

What the fuck do I do? I tried starting a self cleaning and stopping it, hoping it will unlock the lever/latch, but no luck. Should I kill power for a while?

My fucking dinner is in there.
Yeah just unplug it for a few minutes or turn the breaker off. It should fix it
I'm reading the docs and it looks like I may have to wait until this shit gets to room temp.
OK we good, OP here, waited for about 5 mins oven off and it just unlocked. Had to wiggle it a bit though.

Thank you for the moral support.
Enjoy your dinner, fren
File: PXL_20240717_014708796.jpg (3.2 MB, 3472x3747)
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Thank you my man. This is for (You)
bro your chicken still has feathers
Extra nutrients
You're gross and you wasted a thread
Oh no! Anyway...
wtf this is 75% onion LMAO
are you british
what the fuck is that mess even
He posted it at 2AM bong time. I don't think so.
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
So? Do you need a loiscence to stay up late in England?
>My fucking dinner is in there.
Would have thought pointing this out wouldn't be necessary but here we are.
1. No idea how long the food was locked in there.
2. No idea what his schedule is. He might wake up at noon and go to work for 12 hours.
Try to flash a new BIOS.

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