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File: ct300 playing mp3s.png (1.82 MB, 2023x928)
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not sure if this should be here or /g/ but i think i'll go with here. I really would like to try to do something like this to an old tape deck unit ive found - similar pioneer model. I'm assuming he's wired in the output of the phone to where the heads send signal but i have no idea wher i'd start on something on this.. has any one done anything similar and can advise? thx.
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This plus some chinch adapter?
lol i hope not he sells this for £400! he's wired it in i think, he has the rec level knob now controlling the volume output too so i think its possibly this+something more

You don't have to obscure the links you dipshit.
i didnt - i just happen to use invidious to avoid adverts..
thanks for the positive input.
Build a cable. One side goes to the analog line inputs, on the stereo, the other side is a mini-headjack plug, that goes to the headphone jack on your computer. Your old stereo just became a 500+GB jukebox. I did this with an ancient stereo of mine and stuck it in the garage. Connectors available on Amazon/Mouser/Digikey/whatever. Whole project will cost under 10 bucks.
>Hurr glue in tarduino+chinkshit bt >0.90 adapter and vape battery+lion/tiger charger module
Get a BT audio module (10 bux on ebay)
Find 5v (or whatever the module needs) inside the tape deck.
If you can't find the correct V, get a DC-DC convert (5 bux on ebay)
Find where L+R audio signal inside the tape deck. Signal path in a tape deck is magnetic head -> preamp -> buffer -> output. You need to want to be after the preamp, before the buffer and ideally you are going to be driving the bar graph too.

If you want the buttons on the tape deck to work, that's going to be harder. You're going to need to wire some ESP32 into the tape deck so that you can send button input to an app on your phone.

not even 2 hours later lmao
Neat project.
Take a car cassette adapter, and stuff a Pi Zero and a small battery inside it.
Then SSH into the Pi and play anything you want.
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>can advise?

- a tape deck like that doesnt have an amplifier inside, so you have to add an external one to drive speakers
- it likely has a line level input and a line level output -- that means, around 0.1Vac
- it's super super easy to convert to bluetooth:
- find any old bluetooth speaker with charger, but one with headphone jack
- buy a lil cable that converts headphone jack to RCA plug
- connect BT speaker to LINE input using said cable
- connect stereo to LINE output
get cassette adapter that has bluetooth in it.
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1. play fucking tapes in it
2. funny bluetooth tape
you'll get better sound using a plain bluetooth module connected to your stereo though

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