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Ive just bought 40ish acres wooded lot recently. Plan is to farm/homestead. I'm wondering if it might be worth it to buy a used excavator or bobcat. I'm gonna dig a septic anyways and enviably I'm going to what to dig some ponds and either bermed or pit greenhouses.
Question is, what should I keep an eye out for as a novice guy on a budget.
Save the money you put aside for buying an excavator and just hire someone to do anything you want to do yourself to save yourself the headache and embarrassment of fucking it up
Rent that shit
Unless you can get a really good deal on used equipment, and you know how to fix and maintain that shit, you are nearly always better off renting.
A small tractor with a mower would probably be practical to own, used but not beat to hell. A front end loader is also a serious consideration.

Other equipment is more specialized, rent it or better yet pay a neighbor to come do the job with their machine.
Just rent. Its not worth it being some crazy hoarder boomer
if you plan on buying an excavator make sure you have a place to make maintenance and repair on it first. otherwise you'll be stranded with a fucked up excavator and the guy who will repair it for you will ask for a price as high as the excavator itself. buying an excavator is actually a good idea but you need to know what the fuck are you doing. mini excavators are more expensive than a large used one for some reason and i can bet your acres wooded lot it will be more expensive to fix and mantain aswell.
if you dont have a garage with metalworking tools and experience with metalworking, hydraulics and mechanical knowledge dont fucking bother. you will be fixing that machine more often than you will be using it aswell so make sure you will be using it often, otherwise you will be looking at a money pit you get no use out of.
Can you fix my excavator?
did you get the mule too?
Would be a funnier comic if the rooster had a subtle but huge dick.
If you're planning on staying there, I strongly recommend nut trees as soon as you can afford to get some. They will pay off in free food in a few years if you make appropriate choices for your zone. Check out Grimo Nut Nursery for example.

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