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How do you manage to half bake this idea so badly? The King weeps.

>context: some youtuber buys Elvis's dilapidated private jet and builds this thing larping as an RV
The other option was scrapping it, corrosion and EPA regulation made sure it would never move on its own again.
>EPA regulation
Elvis Plane Agency?
After the loss of the big bobber they needed to make sure the king was safe from falling out of the sky
prime example of a fuselage rv that fucks
Gomn get a tail strike on an rv that low.
Got that MexiCan-Do Attitude!
Although it looks more like an airport bus or something than an RV.

I don't know what these words mean.
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Do those wing roots generate lift at highway speeds?
The whole thing's fucking retarded and ugly. There was absolutely nothing else that could be done with it, but that still doesn't make this a good idea.
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>The whole thing's fucking retarded and ugly. There was absolutely nothing else that could be done with it, but that still doesn't make this a good idea.
The EPA is just a bonus. The FAA would make sure such antique would never fly. At best, it could have been a big awkward museum peice.
There's a QR code on the wing. Or what's left of the wing. The nub.
it means if you go over a bump you're fucked.
It would have a cost a fuckload that nobody was willing to spend, but couldn't it have theoretically been restored to FAA certification if money was no object?
Should have restored it to static display, in my opinion. The CV-880 is on static. (Look up Elvis CV-880).
Of course but that could involve removing the aircraft from its data plate and building an effectively new machine.

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