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So, I have a bunch of antlers and I am trying to think of things I can do with them.
They're only rather small roe antlers, but something should be done with them.
HOWEVER, I don't want to do the usual stuff like clotheshooks, grips for things I don't actually need etc., and before I make toggles from them I wanted to ask if anyone has any other ideas.
lmao fpbp
>Use antlers to fashion arrowheads
>Sell arrowheads to native americans going on the warpath
You could make one of them into a switch
you can slice them into discs and use a woodburning tool to burn designs or symbols into them and drill holes to use as pendants for necklaces
Knife handles, hooks, coin them and turn into keychain tags

Sounds like it fell out.
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forge a vegetable knife (you can do it outside with a diy forge and a small piece of tool steel), cut the antler in half, drill a hole, hammer the knife in. you now have a nice knife you can use to peel potatos or collect mushrooms with.
im new to knifemaking but i already made a blank out of a piece of HSS steel out of a mechanical saw blade (doesn't require forging if you want that) and im currently trying to figure out how i could go on about making nice grips from rock or stone for it.
like i mentioned you can also use a HSS steel mechanical saw blade which is hard as fuck meaning its grinding only and you cant just sharpen it by hand (while finishing it ofc) so it might come out wrong
turn them in, its illegal to collect them
Carve some figurines.
give them back tyrone
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i made a pipe. just stopped up the bottom with a bit of scrap wood.
shouldn't you drill the hole before you cut it in half?
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Make weird hats and mic stands and instruments and other accessories for pagan neo-folk performance art bands and their fans and imitators

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