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hey /diy/ post your quick & dirty stuff.
heres mine:
Balcony door AC adapter. Build from cardboard, hot glue and sweat.
I borrowed an AC for the weekend from where I work. for it being temporary I don't feel the need to build something durable. but the heat is awful, so it must go quick.

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i will tape the gap between door and adapter
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I dont bother sealing anymore. Fuck these retarded euro windows Cant even get window ACs here.
I just rotate the AC so it cools the tiny area where I sit.
oh man, must suck living under the roof. as quick fix just use a rescue blanket and some tape to seal the gaps
If it works, heck yeah. The shitty sliding plastic panels that come with the portable AC units always needs some duct tape or other modification to get a 70%+ seal.

Have a pic of an air filter I pulled from my mom’s car recently.
>The shitty sliding plastic panels
they're called curtains

>always needs some duct tape
or you could not be a nigger and just use removable caulk like DAP 18354 you retarded trip fag
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Grandpa was (never) going to turn his 200sq ft office into an apartment so he out this set of kitchen cabinets up there. i nailed together a catwalk out to this shelf to push it out of the room and throw it down (working alone). 1/?
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2/5, pushed it out
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3/5, I imagine they had to have moved it up there this way.
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4/5, gravity assist
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5/5, cleaned up and catwalk taken down, it was probably 2-3hrs total.
Yea bruh, let’s get some silicone and semi-perma seal the AC duct on the portable AC unit whose purpose is to give you a cool room for 3 days until the real AC gets fixed. Also you don’t always have the option to put it in a window or door that’s not going to be used. I’m not trying to re-caulk the thing every time I have to let the dog out the sliding back door.
All that stuff, you neeeeed it. The muddy water damaged CRT, the old Colman's box, the broken cabinet, the folgers cans on the stars, all of it are needed.

deleting the catwalk is a nice job. but why did you demolish the kitchen thing? by cutting it you could have used it as workbench with compartment
i cropped out the rest of the shop, but as
points out I just have too much shit. I already have workbenches, have other shit that's worth working on, but it's buried under all of this dumb shit like kitchen cabinets.
i probably would have donated them or something but I couldn't get them down the stairs alone, hence >>2827341.
you could've disassemble it into flat pieces and take it out for less time than that
I don't know why some people put extra effort in essentially breaking shit and making a mess, like fucking children with a pocket full of firecrackers
You would be a fool to get rid of that CRT.

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