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I just had this coretec flooring installed by a company yesterday. They ordered it from their supplier and installed it for me. I cleaned it today since it was coated in a good bit of drywall dust from the subfloor. Just water, a mop, and bucket. I got it pretty wet, but it wasn't like I let the water sit for a day or anything. Had a shop fan running to air dry it out, and went over it multiple times with the mop and water. I did see the guys yesterday with a standard vacuum cleaner, but I don't know if that would cause this. The extra planks that are left don't appear to have these lines. I already called the company and they're going to come out to take a look in a day or two. Is this just defective LVP, or did someone fuck it up somewhere along the line?
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It’s always going to look like shit because it’s a PVC flooring with a vinyl sticker applied to it

By the way pvc is a cancer causing agent

You lined your entire fucking house in plastic, so you’ll always be inhaling VOCs and as the floor wears down ingesting micro plastics

This is akin to having lead counter tops

Or a fuck load of asbestos as insulation

You absolute fucking moron

Your house will likely need to be decontaminated long after you pass away and the new owners are going to be like

“Wow what the fuck were those absolute fucking mongoloids in the 2020s thinking with PVC flooring kek”
why do you call it LVP, nothing about that material is luxurious. its for poors who cant take care of laminate flooring, which in turn is for poors who cant afford hardwood flooring. and what the fuck are those white lines between the planks? did they fill in the gaps with grout?
Fuck off with your fearmongering, loser, you're just jealous of my high quality floor.
Another jealous loser, sorry you're too poor for a high quality floor like mine.
Not me, but thanks for jumping in while I was napping.
Looks to me like a fabrication issue to me, since the lines aren’t continuous but evenly spaced on each plank. Maybe it was invisible until the drywall dust+water mixture attached to it. Is there anything that makes them less visible (water, scraping, soap etc)?
>Is there anything that makes them less visible?
Not from what I can tell. I wish I had a good look at the boards before they were installed so I could get a better idea of what happened, but I did not.
After looking at the extra boards inside the same room and not outside, I can see some of the same lines on those extra boards as well, albeit to a lesser extent. I do believe it's a manufacturing issue. I wonder if the flooring company will be able to make it right. This should be grounds for replacement, right?
>should i use water on shitty composite flooring

probably fucking not mate
>I don't like the way my cheapest possible price floor looks please redo it

what do you expect to happen'
It's marketed as water resistent for pets and kids.

$4.50/sqft for LVP is far from the cheapest option out there.
no one cares how much you overpaid to get it installed with massive gaps between the planks filled with caulk, or grout or whatever the fuck that white stuff is. you clearly didnt buy expensive vinyl flooring if you're having this problem with the finish on it.
Rude. I shopped around quite a bit, and the white lines are drywall dust that was left on the subfloor and tracked onto the top of the floor as it was installed.
It’s marketed to poor people who are don’t
Really know any better
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It's not caulk, but the actual locking underlayment of the panels themselves. Meaning the knuckleheads who installed OP's floor (Lowes subcontractors cause he bought the materials there) didn't tap and butt the joints up. It's so bad that I can actually see it in in the pictures where some ends are tight and some are not. The pallet lines are the least concern, what will happen over times is that you will legitimately damage the floor with a vacuum now because of all those loose joints. They are going to fray and get dirt ground in them and because it's "luxury vinyl" there isn't a wood filler/pvc magic liquid that will ever make it look right. And what's worse is unlike a real wooden floor you can't just take a pull on the ends and tighten everything because it's too brittle and will shatter.

I wish I were meming OP but I'm not. I installed a coretec last year in a basement, complete with that foil smartcore underlayment (which I really liked actually) and they're really tricky to work with sometimes. We had an issue with it getting out of square, "warping" from the amount of hammering we had to do to get them to lock together. Had to undo a few rows and tapcon a couple of 2X4's into the floor as a stopper until we had enough floor down to hold itself.
In fact I can probably pin point to you exactly what they did. They got too "professional" about it and probably relied on their tools, or rather replacements for proper tools that is. All I can say is I would never let any person into my house if they didn't know how to operate a hammer.
Why is hammering even in this convo? Put lvt in square, lining up the edges, then rent a 80 lb roller from Lowes depot to flatten it down to the adhesive. And don't skimp on the adhesive price
>pallet lines
That's exactly what they are. Good eye.

>Lowe's subs
I wne through a flooring company, but you're right about the subs. It was an middle age Mexican and a couple of literal kids with him. Fuck me.
every single time
>lay down a sheet of chip board/particle board carcinogenic crap
>glue some carcinogenic plastic to it
>yeah bro here's your floor
Do Americans really
Go buy hardwood planks you filthy poorfag
What are ‘pallet lines’? I’m a pallet guy and I’ve never seen pallets what would leave this kind of imprint
how could you get visible pallet lines anyways, this shit is shipped in boxes
Perhaps "pallet" lines was the wrong term, "blocks/shims/spacers" is basically what I mean. It could be that translating through or it might just be the manufactured "belt sander error" weather type look that barnhouse designers have shilled in 2020. Boxes don't matter when they're 80lbs and stacked 5 feet high, also doesn't help that the material in question is spongy plastic meant for warping and bending in the first place. The only reason they would even do that with vinyl is to get a forklift in between loads.
Not that anon but,

>Fuck off with your fearmongering, loser, you're just jealous of my high quality indoor plumbing. The Romans used lead pipes that how reliable they are!

There, fixed that for you. That's how retarded you sound.
It's supposed to be waterproof. A lot of plank flooring products would swell the fuck up after a mopping. Use a swiffer instead.

The lines you see are a factory image issue. Any spots that don't come off with soap and water are probably some etching in the stamped image, and that will not come off. During construction sometimes guys spill something or track something that causes etching on a surface.

In general LVP is only worth it if you buy the high end product, stuff that's $5 or $6 per square ft. All that $4 and under stuff is cheap, and will never be perfect.
>what the fuck are those white lines between the planks? did they fill in the gaps with grout?
They aren't white lines, that's light reflecting off the small curves/bevels on the edges of the planks.
Looks like shitty fake milling marks to make it look like shitty ass rustic pine

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