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How do I build a cabin in Australia?
I too would like to larp as mad Max I'm the outbacks and drive a powerful vehicle
Also what are MAID applicants? Can I hire a catgirl maid?
MAID is a socialized medicine thing...really popular in canada.
The basic gist is if you cost too much your doctor tells you to kill yourself for the state but only if youre white
>How do I build a cabin in Australia?
oh don't bother. you asked on 4chan. the first sign you are a moron and incapable of doing things.
Oh just shut the fuck up you little nigger
Oh just shut the fuck up you little nigger
He's right tho. You don't even live there so you're too stupid to deserve an answer other than ridicule. You will never do it because you had to ask such a basic question rather than find the ample information on which to base useful questions.

You are fucktarded, cannot understand why being proof. Just shut up you little nigger.
Probably should start with being in Australia, or finding a ship that will transport your diy pre fabbed shed to Australia. Probably won't fit inside a shipping container so some boats might not want to try to take it on... actually just grab one of the shipping containers and you'll be fine.

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