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Anyone had success building their own?
Thinking of trying to build a fender clone, possibly a blackface deluxe reverb. The circuits look pretty simple, it's just finding parts that aren't ridiculously expensive. I'm in bongland and it looks like transformers alone would cost the best part of £200, and the valves/tubes are pricey too. Anyone have any advice on making these cheaply without sacrificing too much in the sound? What are some common pitfalls to avoid?
I've done some electronics projects before and repaired a couple of solid state amps in the past but I'm far from an expert. Would also like to do as much as practically possible from scratch (homemade chassis, cabinet, etc.)
Here's the schematic if anyone's interested. I think I'll get rid of the vibrato channel and the reverb tank to save on cost and make it simpler. Also might try adding a master volume and FX loop if that's possible
In many cases, DIY isn't cheaper. You don't have the economies of scale that allow companies to buy stuff in bulk for a discount. Repairs can be cheaper, or you can make a better thing. Don't get into DIY expecting to save money on every project. Do it because you like working on things.
It's not that bad, just don't shock yourself on the caps. I did a simple fender champ clone when I was a kid.

The transformers are gonna be expensive. I've made pedals from folding and modifying metal studs, don't have good advice on a cheap chassis.

Use marine birch plywood for the speaker cab or it will sound like shit. Feel free to skip the reverb tank, vibrato isn't gonna cost much. Personally I like turret boards, nothing wrong with point to point. Use good capacitors and resistors, not chinkshit.
Oh yeah I know it'll still be expensive but I still reckon I could build one for under £1500 which is what fender are charging for a deluxe reverb reissue. Definitely mostly a "for fun" project though
>don't have good advice on a cheap chassis.
Was thinking maybe laser cut aluminium and a basic bending jig would do? I have no experience with sheet metal though
>Use marine birch plywood for the speaker cab or it will sound like shit
Thanks, pretty sure orange use some kinda birch plywood in their cabs. Is plywood better than something like solid pine then?
>Use good capacitors and resistors, not chinkshit.
Any recs?
Amps aren't any harder than pedals, these just have high voltages. Even the 300-500 volts in guitar amps is going to be manageable if you practice good "one hand" technique. I always test lead clip the ground wire and only the probe from my dmm or scope goes into a live amp. I'm not of the thought that guitar amps kill builders, but the slip-up shocks hurt significantly.

Transformers are the most expensive piece and they are consistently salvageable along with old amp chassis. Nearly all capacitors and resistors will need torn out or desoldered.

Ultimately you'll figure out how divided the overall project is. It's a science of electronics, physical construction craft, and some design end goals both for sound and visually.

But it is just a guitar amp. There are some old radios, one could just patch in an input and have a Fender Champ. You could save a huge amount more money and build solid state, but that takes a much stronger electrical understanding for great results.
honestly the game has changed recently

for the longest time
these schemtatics werent really so much possible
because the transformers werent being made
just old stock

they just started making transformers
you can buy brand new made to specs
thus making these old ampls playable again

for instance i just saw a dual showman transformer
It's not tube, but an LM486 amp circuit, 4x6 speaker and 9V battery makes a Pignose-class amp with tasty tone.
Fun hobby. Can be. Expensive...brain set to on; keep in mind you may be able to find and repurpose line transformers for audio output in a pinch. Style of bobbin/winding should be stacked but not isolated+seperated via plastic piece of shit isolating primary/secondary. It'll work but performance may be shittier regards to freq. response and lamination type differences but very useable and I have been surprised a couple times how good they work. Being in UK you have the luck of 220V mains so finding a 9V:220V shitbrick it could be calculated for impedance ratio (sqrt of turns)
>Zp = ((Vp / Vs)^2 * Zs
>Zp primary impedance
>Vp primary rated volts
>Vs secondary rated volts
>Zs speaker impedance
>220V/12V ^2 *4ohm speaker for ex...primary impedance about 2.4k. No toroidals for audio THEY ARE JUNK. Of course going for tone you may find otherwise.
IIRC, easy to find online, funwithtubes is a goldmine for info as well as the valve wizard. Happy building don't blow out someone's eardrums.
Thanks m8 will look into it
If I'm already dropping a fair bit on the project I may just bite the bullet and shell out for a decent reproduction of the fender transformers by Hammond or something. Don't wanna risk it sounding shit. It's the power transformers that are the expensive ones it seems, guessing it's harder to find a drop in replacement for those.
antique electronic supply is having a Hammond transformer sale...
They don't ship to bongland unfortunately. Thanks anyway, satan
amp fag here
honestly if you learn to put these things together
i suggest you restore old ones
you can get them super cheap
if they broke

most of the pre cbs fenders are still for sale under 10k

there will be a day when these fucks will be worth a lot

i have one i found in the garbage and paid 200 to get repaired
a fucking 50s fender tv front

they sound amazing
the guitars go for 50k
but the amps will go up
cause they are starting to phase them out

also the future is low wattage tube amps
but sadly people dont like them as much as the fucking kempers
also can anyone tell me abought buying homeade tube amps online

for the longest time i have seen eastern euro countries russsian
sell marshal clones
know the chinese are dumping a fuckton a tube clones

i own a tube stereo and its chinese
the thing is pretty good
for the longest time it was said that you couldnt reproduce a fender transformer from his era in the 50s
but i think they started 3rd printing and scanning shit
ITT idiots with no experience nor expertise
a classic /diy/ thread
>I'm in bongland and it looks like transformers alone would cost the best part of £200
Transformers are the one component that you can easily DIY. Its literally just 2 coils of wire each wrapped around a ferrite core.
I like the guy that only talks in haiku
Seems like a hassle. Any resources you'd recommend?

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