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Is it better to start your own business or buy an established one?

I want to go into the junk hauling industry, but there is so much competition that the market is just too saturated. Would it be more conducive to just buyout some established brand than to start from scratch?

I'm looking at these business buying sites and they have a lot of moving/junk removal companies listed on there for lowball numbers like 150k to 300k.
lol get a truck and paint your phone number on it

90k please thanks
its some spic in a 30 year old truck with a cracked frame. this is what you are considering buying
It's actually 4 trucks with 10 employees.
>ackshully it is 4 beat to shit 30 year old trucks which cant pass emissions tests
>and 10 illegal aliens
thats not any better, its even more of a liability
It's a 20-year vetted company
What you are actually buying is the licensing and privilege of operating a business in the given region. That paperwork can take years and hundreds of thousands especially if you are a SWM.
if it's saturated and of course in that business is hard to provided any added value rather than doing the standard thing i would go to buy the old businesses but with assumption that you have experience in running this businesses from the start
just do the pdx business model
>steal a pickup and dump trailer
>throw the licenses plates away
>advertise on facefuck cash only
>haul shit off and dump it in the woods up some logging road in the middle of the night
>spend profits on drugs
>4 trucks
Are at least 2 of them Tonka trucks because I'm assuming you mean rolloff dumpster trucks.
They're 4 large box trucks and a sprinter van
I’d imagine it’s way better to bootstrap a company like that yourself. At least in the US. With the one exception being the company comes with contracts for work that are valuable. And not just a handshake deal or “steady calls” but an actual contract.
>its 4 trucks and 10 employees
What kind of trucks? I can’t imagine they would be hard to get yourself, so unless one or two of them are pretty new and you’re getting a massive discount I can’t imagine that’s much of a value add. And like other anon said the employees are as much a liability as anything else. Good people are hard to find, and if they’ve done a solid job of hiring there’s value there, but I’m not sure how you could possibly vet that. You’re basically rolling the dice
It depends a lot on what exactly the business is set up for;
just hauling residential junk to the dump in a pickup truck or with a small trailer isn't particularly hard to do legally, but certain types of waste disposal can involve licensing and inspection/training requirements that are more like having a liquor license: hard to get (often because the number granted is limited), costly to maintain and easy to lose if you screw up.

The big issue is what is/isn't considered Hazardous Materials and why...something that might be perfectly legal for a private citizen to transport to a disposal site like a few gallons of liquid solvent or garden chemical waste might be a violation of the rules for a commercial hauler without taking extra steps or having certain licenses/endorsements...and dumps are notorious for having arbitrary rules that can kick a load into a totally different category because of load size or makeup...we had a laborer get hassled because the construction debris had been loaded so that some plywood would help contain the load...the dump gatekeeper guy declared that trash plywood to be "sideboards" which then made the load not qualify for the residential rates, and the driver was issued a ticket for not having the money to cover the extra fee.
>lots of competition
>lots of companies for sale cheap
>I want to get into this business
Sure sounds like a winning idea.
If it's a saturated market, in what way will your business differentiate itself?
That's more important than your initial question
beef strogennoff
>hauling junk
the entire trash stream is controlled by the actual mafia. waste management and republic services is literally the mafia. if you cross them, they will fuck you dry in the asshole. they have a gorillion slimy kike lawyer on the payroll that know every legal avenue to make your life hell. tread lightly
I never TREAD lightly
I wish /biz/ wasn't a bunch of scamming faggots talking about crypto all day so I could actually discuss small business/entrepreneurship
I’ve started 3 companies. Listen carefully. Go work for a junk hauling company. Pay don’t matter just get the job. For 6 months, work and study everything. How they advertise, how they charge, any special tools etc

Then quit and make your own

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