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File: IMG_20240720_172444.jpg (2.07 MB, 2240x2240)
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CRTs don't have pixels. They have phosphor dots, which are not aligned with scan lines in any way. What you're looking at is a burnt spot. It's permanent, and there's nothing that can be done about it.
I've heard if you put the tv set to an all white screen and set the brightness up it helps clear those blemishes
actually this anon is right, phosphors is non magnetic so degaussing it won't change anything. maybe if you shake it really hard lol
I always unplug the coils and let the tv burn in a nice spot before I donate them to thrift stores. retroomers btfo
no you retard
Dude out here trying to fix something and you talking shit. What type of brainless imbecile are you? Make yourself useful and just keep your mouth fucking shut bitchass keyboard fairy!
Hey zoomer if you don't have anything better to do go back to sniffing dicks!!
bitchass keyboard fairy lmao
So what your saying is that he's a faggot ass sniffer?
>and there's nothing that can be done about it.
>He has never replaced a picture tube
I hate that shit headed people like you exit in this world just taking up oxygen. You think you know everything but are clearly beyond retarded cause you talk with your ass brain. Anyways to OP if you replace the tube it will fix your problem. I would definitely suggest taking it to a professional, cause some of components in TVs can be deadly.
Is replacing the tube even an option? That's basically the whole TV.
Sure if you can find one that is the same or similar enough. Probably not worth doing unless this display is really valuable to you.
>I would definitely suggest taking it to a professional
in what universe do CRT repair professionals still exist?
There's a lot of things that can go wrong in a CRT that can be fixed. This is not one of them. It looks like both the shadow mask and phosphor layers are burned, you'd basically have to manufacture a new tube in order to "fix" it.

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