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My neighbors installed a security camera above their back door, that is a 7 foot fence separating our houses. The camera looks directly into my garden and is just far enough over that it is in direct view of my front door.

So how would you handle the situation?
You could be an asshole and install an 11 foot fence made of faux wood where the grain looks like a middle finger on one side.
Or you could contact them and ask them why they need to invade your privacy by installing a camera and pointing it at you.
You could also do something about the fucking vines and scrap wood you have lying around, you lazy shit.
Those vines grow from their side every year they're almost impossible to tear down til they die off. That wood actually serves an important role of shading one specific flower that is dying from the heat wave.

I was thinking about extending the fence by tying planks to the chain link or maybe getting several larger cameras and pointing them back at them.
>Talking to your neighbor
Do you live in a movie from the 50s? Nobody talks to their neighbors.
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thats some bullshit. whats your budget? in this situation i would install excessive amounts of security lights, possibly even the infrared variety on my property angled in a way to illuminate the camera more effectively.
what you really need is a shade tarp from your trailer to the fence that would block the camera from seeing into your yard.
I like your happy flower.
put up a few planks right in front of the camera view
I would say that depending on the lens of the camera that could be capturing their side door landing and both up and down the side of the building. The fact that it is pointing in your direction is just a consequence.

Me personally I would give a rats ass as if anything were to happen I can just tell police "look that camera is pointing here" and if neighborman refuses to share footage it would be a red flag for the police.
I didn't care at first and also thought it was probably pointing down, but I go out to water at 4-5AM some times to beat the heat and suspiciously 2 minutes after I'm out there, one of them will come outside and then walk back and forth for 30 seconds before going back inside. I thought it was fake to begin with honestly, but unless they're just coincidentally coming in and out of their house at all hours of the day I have a feeling the camera is not just pointing at themselves.
>live in a literal trailer park
>be upset neighbors are recording the crimes you're engaged in
many such cases
That trailer is in another neighborhood separated from mine though. They're growing weed, which is probably why the camera is up. I'm growing tomatoes, last time I checked tomatoes aren't illegal. But neither is growing weed in my state if you have a card.
plant some fast growing cypress trees along the fence line, in a year or so they won't see shit, and you'll have a nice 1/2 shade yard for additional flower planting.

Or just throw a couple kudzu bombs around their house. They'll be too broke paying for landscapers to afford the electricity to power the camera
>just throw a couple kudzu bombs around their house
I suppose I could, is that payback for them having BBQs and then throwing their chicken bones over the fence into my yard or is it worse?
If chicken bones are an attack, kudzu is a MOAB
I've seen entire houses engulfed by a single rogue kudzu vine in a year. 5 or 6 of these placed in random parts of their yard will have the place uninhabitable in a few months. Just make sure your neighbors don't see you spraying brush killer to preemptively protect your own place.


I can't imagine living next to someone who has enough time to schizout all the time.
>So how would you handle the situation?
Probably give em the ol' spread cheek mooning...
Did you know if you just up to an employee at Napa and ask if you can buy some of their empty pallets that they will then try to give you every single pallet they have for free?

Or maybe that's just my local one. With the price of lumber, that man just gave hundreds of dollars is shitty wood for free.
>So how would you handle the situation?
I wouldn't bother you retard
>is in direct view of my front door
so you get a free security camera you retard
We do not like each other. Not after their kids climbed the fence to play with my gardening tools, broke my rake and stole my hand tiller because "it looked cool" then dumped it in somebody's yard never to be seen again.

They also got a dog recently, looks like a pitbull mix, and I can overhear them getting mad at it for being too friendly. I talk to it through the fence when they aren't around and purposely get it excited so it starts playing with its squeaky toys, really pisses them off.

So I assure you, they would not release camera footage if asked unless legally obligated to.
that's not a camera, but flood lights with motion sensor, tho
that's weird why would they point it at you is their cam angel that wide even so why would they do that i am not sure but you the right to concerned
nvm, saw the camera
point an infrared laser right to the camera's lense
all they are going to see is neon blue light on the recordings
yes that's good but they could use the footage and suit him as if he damaged there property they could use this against him
Cool but how will pallets secure my privacy?
it won't damage anything
if it's powerful enough it can even so still anyway i am not sure he could ask professional if that could lead to any legal problems
I'm not talking about laser that will burn through his neighbor cam, boss
I'm talking about laser pointer level of laser that wil light pollute the footage
in general, what I'd do is just talk with my neighbor and sort it out like a grown man, but since you weirdos in the west can't fathom the concept of chatting with the people who live next door, a laser pointer is the next least retarded idea
maybe you have a point i agree about talking part ... to be honest if i were him i wouldn't be comfortable too beside things he said about him not on good term with them you know it adds up but i agree with that he should at least try it
i want to highlight i meant to try and talk with them not the leaser part at least not before talking to lawyer about it first
OP here, cops just showed up at my house trying to trace a 911 call that came from "My address", and it was "A woman's voice, with a child in the background". I told them the only woman with children around here was that house because it is, maybe I won't even have to do anything!

It only keeps getting more confusing why they do the things they do.
Maybe you don't live in the best area. Have you tried moving?
exactly it's weird they could point it on their door not on your door try to talk with so at least to do your part and record the conversation if it's legal in your country after that talk with lawyer about your options ... for me that what i would do
>Mad at the neighbor about a camera
>Mad at the neighbor's kid for stealing his things
>Cops show up at his house looking for a woman and child who called the emergency line
Put me in the screencap with the news article.
So this is another "neighbor did something I don't like, but I can't talk to them and it's totally legal and normal people wouldn't give a shit" threads. Don't go outside naked? Seriously, you're on camera almost everywhere you go anymore, and as long as you don't do anything illegal there's nothing to care about.
So, he clearly has something alerting him when there’s movement detected by the camera. You should consider somehow triggering it at exactly 3:27AM on every date that is a prime number and also periodically renting a tinted, black SUV and parking it near his house for a day or two at a time.
>Buy a mask
>Go outside at 3 in the morning
>Avoid camera LOS if possible when leaving house
>Enter field of view from the side
>Stand completely still in the center of it's view and stare at it for 15 minutes
>Casually walk away
>Do this every night until they come out while you're standing there and then you can call the cops because now you have proof they're invading your privacy
there's your solution, maybe a windmill or flag poking above the fence. If it doesn't work, you could make a human silhouette on a track and run it across the camera's field of view. If it works, they'll re-aim the camera away from your yard so the alarm doesn't go off. My coworker has one of these cameras at her apartment door synced to her phone, it goes off every few minutes.
that's would be really funny
ignore it. I have multiple cameras that point at peoples house because it is near impossible not to. just because they have camera does not mean they sit there watching you fap to CP.
Start masturbating in your yard, in view of the camera. Wear funny masks each time. If the neighbors complain and go to the cops, tell them the husband paid you to do it, it's his fetish.
and you would get him divorced ... good plane
>kudzu bomb
Laser pointer.
>everything is covered in pesticides these days so you shouldn't care if your neighbors are spraying you with pesticide every time you leave your house
Your idea is good but wasteful, get a laser and point it to the camera 24/7 same effect, less disruption.
The guy that recommended having something automatically move at a weird time every night... that's it. Just keep triggering the movement sensor.

The operator can reduce the sensitivity setting, in response. But it sounds like that defeats the privacy invasion.

Someone said it wasn't pointed at him. It is. The field of view is very wide for those cameras. To cover their door and the strip of grass, the camera should be pointed nearly down, not almost straight out. I don't see how that camera is covering the doorway underneath it; it's pointed up and towards the neighbor's parcel.
>Someone said it wasn't pointed at him. It is. The field of view is very wide for those cameras. To cover their door and the strip of grass, the camera should be pointed nearly down, not almost straight out. I don't see how that camera is covering the doorway underneath it; it's pointed up and towards the neighbor's parcel.

exactly that's why i think his concern is valid
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>he doesn't know
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>I can overhear them getting mad at it for being too friendly

Id ask them nicely to point it lower, if it doesn't work check laws and threaten them to call cops/lawyer, if they still don't do anything do it
If my camera started doing funny things I'd be sure to check the footage and look for an anon pacing nervously around their yard sneaking glances at the camera.
This is not illegal in the US. Anywhere. I can literally stand in the street with a 600mm lens on a tripod pointed at your bedroom window and take all the pictures I want to. Same applies if my yard overlooks yours.
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Is everyone on this fucking board poor?
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Get a large format poster of goatse and install it in your yard.
just hit it with a camera destroying lazer.

Now, that's a fuckin' vintage. He should also get a large format of poster of lemonparty as a comparison piece and position it wherever the neighbor's other camera is.
This. Just blind it from your yard. How is this even a question?

I think these are the best approaches. Either pointer a laser or something directly into the camera to blind it, or put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.
It's the Do It Yourself board nigger what do you think
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>put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.

Operates on a fan.
Constant motion.
If you lock their doors and set the trailer on fire you will probably go to jail as murder and arson are illegal. So don't do that.

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