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I poured a thick line of salt along my fence.
It killed large bushes and vines but the grass is growing back after only a month.
How is this possible? How much salt would it take to make the fence line uninhabitable for 70 years?

It's Kansas so it rains good, but there is still visible salt after even a large thunderstorm.
Is the new grass is creeping over from non salted area
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Oh fugg you might be right. The salt didn't go as far to the sides as I thought it would. Pretty much only kills what it lands on.
>killed large bushes and vines
Explain this sorcery to me. I am a lawnlet.
Enough salt will kill damn near anything.
Have a big thick bush right outside my door and I made sure to hit it hard with a bag of pool salt (rock salt whatever same stuff). It's dead and not coming back looks like.
I poured some salt along my fence line and the vines that crawl up it seem to have been hit harder than the grass. On further inspection though the grass takes it hard too.
I hate weed eating and herbicide seems expensive and not long lasting in my opinion.
So far the salt has not spread beyond where I have poured it even after heavy rains.
I have heard stories of salt killing trees though if it gets near their roots. So be careful with that.
I got some Tree of Heaven springing up around my property, and I'm looking for ways to tackle it. I was going to cut them down and use a turkey baster to drop some full strength redcap roundup on the stump.
That will work for sure if you want to spend the cash and ensure no collateral damage.
The salt is for cheap asses who don't care about the biosphere and would glass the planet if given the opportunity, for aesthetic reasons.
itt fat lardasses salt their property, because the weedwhacker is too much of a time consuming exercise, they can invest in eating instead
Unironically use ammonia. I dumped a mop bucket full in the lawn once and that patch of grass remained dead for years
Apart from Reddit
ponder the aroma
Just plant a bunch of wildflower seed and get the state to give you an environmental tax credit for neglecting your lawn

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