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A place to talk about general security questions. How do you plan your home security/home defense?

Suppose you not only have a need to know of an intrusion, but to prove an intrusion occurred for legal purposes. Can you DIY (e.g. door/window sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi logging events) or do you need to pay a security company like ADT to run a certified system that can be used as evidence to corroborate that a break-in happened?
shotgun and a shovel
You could use off the shelf stuff from ring or nest or whatever. Reliability is important thing for security cams and raspberry pis are (or at least were) not known for it. Check with your insurance, mine requires physical damage to at least one door or window to ensure that I didn’t just leave a door ajar. They don’t really care for footage unless it shows the breaking part of breaking and entering.

I rely mostly on good locks, solid hardware and motion detecting lights at night. As far as I know you’re always too late even with a motion detection alarm, but it depends on your situation. Where I am burglars don’t stay for more than 5 minutes and home invasions are non-existent unless you’re known to be a multi millionaire. If you plan on keeping a weapon use a firearm (if legal) or a blunt object. Stabbing an intruder will almost always lead to both trauma and a criminal record
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>How do you plan your home security/home defense?
Burning down the house with the intruders and me inside is my plan
You can diy a system, but don't use a raspberry pi. There's all kinds of dedicated hardware you can use for saving video or logging events from sensors.
tripwire guillotines at all entrances and exits to collect DNA evidence
lines of salt at every door/window.
lambs blood on the door frame.
crucifixes, everywhere.
Werehobo doesn't care, he yearns for your spare money.
Just get cameras if you're worried about a dispute with insurer. It's harder to dispute a video showing the break-in than some arbitrary .csv sheet with timestamps of sensor events. They might as well say you made that shit up yourself.
I recently bought a 50$ dahua wifi camera to play with and it's great. API allows it to be connected to your own stuff and you can set it to record to SD card, upload footage live to your FTP or whatever the fuck you want.

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