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I'm scheduled for an IBEW apprenticeship interview tomorrow and I am so unprepared. I want to work in this industry but I really don't even know where to start. I've done projects around my house, like running wires for lights and installing outlets. I just finished building frames and putting up screen walls on my porch. I just don't have any real work experience doing this kind of stuff. I have hobbies like soldering and repairing old electronics.

My only real work experience has been in restaurants and retail, and honestly I haven't worked in almost a year since I left my last job at walmart. I was just reading that I should bring in a resume and application portfolio, which I don't have.

If I don't come in for the interview tomorrow then I have to wait 6 month before I can apply again, but if I do the interview and get a shitty score then I'm stuck with that score for 2 years before I can reapply. Should I go in and try and get what I get, or should I just take 6 months to figure out what the fuck I'm actually doing and try again? And, where do I even start with that? I'm in Texas, btw
Apply to apprenticeships. Many multiple ones. Inside Wiremen is an electrician. Sound/Communication is also known as low voltage are another classification which deals with all types of systems under 50V (fire life safety, structured cabling, access control, CCTV, etc)

Inquire about their CW program if you have little to no apprentice, and are willing to earn next to nothing to gain experience.

You take an aptitude test, which is gloried Algebra I word problems, and then you get an interview. The interview questions are standardized and posted online. What do you know about the profession? Do you have reliable transportation? What are your experiences? etc.

Also get the fuck out of Texas.
>You take an aptitude test... and then you get an interview.
That's what I was expecting, but I h=gave them my college transcripts and the email said I met the basic requirements and they want me to come in for an interview.

>Also get the fuck out of Texas
k. why tho?
A college transcript, is evidence that you'll comply with the system voluntarily. You paid or will pay for the costs in the future, and you're willing to go into debt (sin) and 'work it off'. It's such a shit-show; not a personal commentary on you (even if you identify with some aspects of what I said).

That being the case, realize that you seem to have basic technical and brain-eye-hand coordination. I don't know how the largess of society supported it, but sadly there were a lot of sub-clinically retarded children born who, well they can't really do practical things, so they work at walmart, or some kind of entirely routine, menial repetitive job.

Get started in the union, now. Even if you see yourself as an hourly worker. If you are creative or independently minded, use this union job to spring-board, later, into what it is you are inspired to do.
No advice, but good luck bro.
My dad was IBEW for 40 years and it put three kids through college, and kept my disabled mom insured.
Then he promptly died a year after retiring
Be prepared to make a pittance for ~5 years
Be prepared to keep watch over every possession you bring to a job or it will grow legs
Be prepared to work with/for borderline or outright retarded alcoholics/drug addicts
Be prepared to fuck your body up
>haven't worked in almost a year
I think what you meant to say was,
>spent a year doing volunteer work and caring for my elderly grandparents including rewiring their 1920s house to comply with modern code

As a handyman who does some electrical, I can say this.

Don't be scared to covertly work on the side, and don't be scared to start your own thing as fast as you can. The IBEW wants you to be their bitch for years before you can finally have your own company.

If you can work in secret on the side and make $90 an hour, then do that shit.

I wired some outlets today and made $80 an hour. Never been a part of any union or had any formal training in my life. Fuck the system.
Making 96/hr working in the union with no responsibilities or liabilities. Git gud, scab.
If your in north alabama bring lip balm.
You got to suck a dick to get a IBEW job here.
That's what I tried to pursue, found out the main "qualifications". I went to college.
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Where I'm at in Tennessee, if you're trying to apply without any professional experience, you're almost guarenteed to be rejected; But, your local probably offers a "CW/CE" program where you're able to do entry level electrical work for the union without actually being part of the apprenticeship.

It's super easy to get into the CW work, and it offers you a clear path into the apprenticeship as a source of relevant experience for your resume, and professional electricians for to use for references.

You'll be getting paid dirt, and you should expect to be doing it for atleast a year, before even starting the 5 year apprenticeship, but it's your best bet if you haven't already been doing non-union electrical work.

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