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Tufted Boho Throw Pillow Edition

Colour Theory - /fa/ Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Colour_Theory

40+ Interior Design Styles Defined | HGTV: https://www.hgtv.com/design/decorating/design-101/design-styles-defined-pictures

Tags: home decor, architecture, furniture,
For me it's biophilic interiors
Dude that's so cool and niche. I've never seen this work properly though, you need lots of airflow which is antithetical to rooms.
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This looks like my house. My gf has about 80+ plants.

plants have their space in interior design, but over the years I’ve actually seen their use decline. cement planters seem very nice to me. I like the neutral color and simplicity.
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I'm basing my room off the PNW wood/stone style with boho elements.
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Minimalist, Boho, Sage Green, Brown

are you 20 year old girls?
Post room
In my case the house is an afterthought, it's a space for plants foremost.
I'm a mid century modern chad
Post some examples of this. There are so many different styles. I assume that isn't modern in the sleek and minimalistic sense. Which century are we talking about?
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classic scandinavian-style furniture
no excess ornamanent
clean lines but somewhat organic shapes instead of purely harsh geometry
lots of wood
pops of bold colors

not to be confused with the recent "scandi" style that is a lot more white and beige minimalism
Interesting stuff plus nice color palette, lots of little ornaments though which remind me of those stroke victim drawings.
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My newest acquisition. Rate
looks like mass produced walmart art, there's no real personality to it, at least when you look at it in a vacuum, it might work depending on what the rest of the room looks like
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It was mass produced in some factory and I love it. There’s no justification for me to purchase something like pic rel for a hundred bucks at a measly 16x16 size just because it has “le personality” aka toddler with a chalk pencil tier design.
generic art = generic interior = generic person

but you do you boo
All the same fag, still awaiting your photos.


No photo = no house = no interior design = terminally online Incel
NTA, but why not post your own room so your endless reply chain has a little more weight? Sasuga kek.
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I'm >>2827862 >>2828267 >>2828266 not >>2828237

I could have the worst looking room in the world and all those statements would still be correct, I suggest you look inwards and analyze what's making you so defensive. Otherwise feel free to seethe, cope, dilate, etc
I'm >>2827862 >>2828266
>>2828266 not >>2828237

sorry, misclicked a post
fuck I meant this >>2828246

nvm you get the point I'm done here
No offense, but your room/house whatever is extremely cluttered and messy looking. No wonder.
>interior design
that's girl and gay stuff
You’ll fit right in
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Is this good interior design?
Low effort post.

Now, tell me you don't have a toilet in your room, also whats rent?
unironically looks comfy
I can fix this room lad
When did we rename the Abominations Thread?
Go back to your Reddit containment general.
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take your AI slop elsewhere
>Verification not required.
That’s not AI, just a low res/crappy photoshop job. Obsessed, however.
>Base model: Midjourney 5.2
>This resource was generated with AI.
>ai proving itself to be at least 300 years behind again
How do you introduce a color to your room? I had to buy a black and red gaming chair so I need a way to introduce the red into my room.
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>I had to buy a black and red gaming chair so I need a way to introduce the red into my room.
not necessarily, things being too matchy matchy is a common design sin. especially with a color as bold and saturated as red it's generally not something you wanna sprinkle around willy nilly. The single red pillow in pic related isn't necessarily out of place just because there's nothing else red in the room. Having unique highlights can add interest to a room. I would sooner suggest you try to add pops of other really saturated colors, especially blue or cyan and either/or yellow/orange/green. when you have no experience it's too risky to do it on big things like couches/bedding, rugs, curtains so it's safer for those to remain more neutral in the realm of black/grey/brown/beige or desaturated colors so the big pops should be reserved for things like pillows, vases, art or picture frames and other decorative objects
FYI I'm not tone/shade matching the red, instead, I've opted for a dark red table lamp to accompany my narrow-end table.

I also want to point out that the room in your photo isn't randomly colored, I see very clear red/green and red/burgundy color matching which is all relevant to color theory and what's pleasing to the eye. Even the yellow matches the blue tones of the green wall and furniture. Not to mention the dark green contrasting the red which makes it all more pleasing.

Now, if you find a cyan/magenta room that uses the same brightness; that's truly horrid. Eclecticism does not track unless it very obviously does and therefore fails the basic meaning of eclecticism. The room in your picture works because the designers behind it put a very clear thought together and managed their color palette adequately.

My room will work for the same reason, green goes to red and can split among the varying temperatures and lightnesses of each color.

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