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hey guys, I'm looking at getting a reel mower but I don't have an outdoor spigot or anything, so I was going to get a 2 or 3 gallon sprayer and fill it with something to rinse off the mower after each use, like how some people clean their bicycles. the problem is, water + steel is a recipe for rust. what sort of ungodly chemical concoction can I put into the sprayer to clean off the mower while preventing rust?
ideally I would like to be able to use a leaf blower to dry the mower off and either put it in a vehicle for transporting or put it inside my house for storage, so I would prefer something that won't discolor the mower (less important) or the vehicle's carpet or my house flooring (more important)

if anyone owns a reel mower and actually maintains it properly feel free to chime in with advice
I have reel mowers (expensive Fiskars and Gardena) and there's never any reason to ever wash them, that's just dumb.
any stuck grass clippings dry up and fall away
just store it on something plastic to catch any dirt that might fall off
my lifestyle is much cleaner than yours
I actually maintain my tools
>700 dollar
Literally just throw water on it, let it dry and then wipe oil on it if you want to waste that much more of your life on top of the dramatic increase in mowing time necessary when using a reel mower.
Get a large brush.
Brush it off.
No liquid needed.
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There are much more expensive reel mowers used for golf courses and professional sports fields and such
there is no reason to wash it off, the grass clippings will dry out on the blade and it won’t rust.
That being said
I have a reel mower and I thought it would be convenient for mowing a small area.
It was not. It is horrible. It is misery. Do you want to know what it is like to mow your lawn with a reel mower?
1. Let your beard grow for a couple of weeks
2. get a Swiss Army knife that includes the little scissors
3. Try to trim your beard down to stubble using the little scissors on the Swiss Army knife
I thought it would be good for rocky soil because it won’t throw the stones. That is true, it doesn’t throw the stones which is very nice. However it also doesn’t cut the grass, and stuff jams in the reel mechanism or between the wheel and the reel.
the most aggravating thing is that it doesn’t cut anything taller than a certain height, or cuts it sparsely and leaves long neck beard looking strands of grass and weed everywhere.
it is literally easier to use a corded string trimmer on my entire lawn than this thing. It is suffering.
give me my old 1990’s gas mower back pls
lmao damn, this nigga needs therapy because of a lawn mower

>I thought it would be good for rocky soil
hell nah
and yes I have used one
reel mowers are for nice manicured lawns, not really for poor people
I would suggest removing all the rocks in your lawn and then leveling it all out, dethatching whatever areas need it, overseeding new grass seed, and then you might be a little less pissed that you bought a tool that was bad for your use case. I wish you luck battling your plagued lawn and in your quest for antique lawn mowers
You know you need to adjust the blades right?
Where are you located!? I'm thinking about giving you my rusty reel mower! You don't have to worry about it getting rusty! And it works as good as it ever will!
Did you not read the instructions for reel mowers? You don’t let the grass grow a couple of weeks, you clip off a few mm every week. If it’s very long you remove the top with a trimmer and then make it neat with the reel mower

Used to mow for people with a gas mower when I was younger. I now have the Gardena reel mower for my own small yard, it’s very convenient imo. No noise, you just whip it out, mow quickly and leave it outside (under a roof) to dry and the result is much neater than with a full mower. But you have to take off an inch at a time max
I'm in east Texas, in the piney woods area. I could get to Houston or Austin but that's about as far as I could go to pick up a mower
your mom maintains my tool.
Good story. There are so many reel mowers to sell on classified ads, something must be wrong.
Just sharpen your blades and mow every week. Twigs are a bigger problem than long grass and those really aren't that big of a problem.
If you were very careful about it, phosphoric acid.

But a more practical solution is just to use regular-ass water and then blow-dry it with your leafblower immediately after washing.
they're like 100 dollars , even if you only use it for 2 years, it still paid for itself like 16 times over
Fucking rekt.

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