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>do something
>spend too much money and blow weekly budget
>do nothing
>depression and no will to continue

how do i do cheaper?
if not then how do I break my dependency on doing random stuff to quiet the bad head voices?

i have a lot of freedom at work and can take on projects at will there if it can go under the monthly budget and benefit the company. But lately they have been denying proposals for projects because the company is going under a bit.
I have a few personal projects but they are at a stopping point that is solved by spending a lot of fucking money i donthave.

how do you feel good about cheap /diy/ projects, how do you feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose from something with no physical result? Hardmode: you have crippling autism and cannot comprehend the benefit of others from your work
Sounds like you caught a nasty case of consooomerism. I’d try to work on that
Somewhat similar but
>get into hobby
>buy hobby stuff
>few months go by
>not into hobby anymore
end up hoarding random shit and still unsatisfied
just get into a hobby that costs nothing? you surely have a knife so just go out and grab some materials for woodcarving, weaving, make instruments with reed/bamboo, that kind of stuff
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I go on Craigslist free sections I go to junkyards I go to tag sales every flea market I can possibly find and Goodwill I'm incredibly cheap and on principal will buy materials and paints hardware, tools anything fasteners for less than a dollar no matter where or how old or whatever

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