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File: garage.png (19 KB, 696x950)
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Thanks for the advice last thread.

Pic related is what I came up with.
>Gray rectangles are windows.
>Both red rectangles will be 3300CFM exhaust vents, along the top of the walls.

How should I size the intake vents? Where should I install them? I was thinking of doing it along the eastern wall so that they're completely shaded. There's usually some pretty good wind down that alley, should I get vents that will make use of the wind? Or just have them flat in the wall?
Real man would just install them instead of all this autistic planning.
What happened to measure twice, cut once?
Its a fan. the only thing you measure is the hole you need to saw.
Determining where the air intake and exhaust is located is pretty important for properly ventilating a space.
File: 1703483996796380.png (280 KB, 449x455)
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cut it twoce and its still too short

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