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How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
I'm tired of mold, bad siding, drafty windows, uneven floors, slanted walls, paint chipping, gutter cleaning, yard watering, shingles failing, smelly hvac, cracked driveway.... I could go on.
I have a degenerative spine condition that will only get worse. I just want to chill and live without anxiety or worry.
My plan is likely to just live in a metal box with good ventilation. I have to convince my partner first.
So does /diy/ have tips and tricks?
idk do what you want.
>my partner
send us a postcard from the aids clinic queer
Partner doesn't mean gay. It's odd of you to assume.
Also you're a useless trash human that doesn't contribute to anything, and doesn't have a partner, hetero or otherwise.
>useless trash human that doesn't contribute to anything
how can you possibly know that? i contribute to many things. just not retarded gay threads started by retarded queers.
>dude is constantly thinking about gays
>I have to convince my partner first.
what's with this "partner" thing? when did I wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband suddenly become a business contract?
>wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband suddenly become a business contract?
Wife/husband would imply marriage.
Gf/bf is what kids say.
Is there a better word for adults than partner?
>Partner doesn't mean gay.
well it doesn't mean a relationship with someone you love. it sounds formal and like a contract agreement.
Reddit terminology to not “other” people who have anal sex with male gorillas and transsexual chihuahuas
If you say “wife” there you get attacked for perpetuating the patriarchy, people are actually embarrassed to not be getting fucked in the mouth by a shaved grizzly bear with breast implants on its ass.
It is a profound pathology and anyone who says “partner” should be beaten on the soles of their feet with an electrical cord and then thrown out of a helicopter onto another helicopter that is hovering below
>Is there a better word for adults than partner?
it sounds non committal and awkward.

if you say partner I will assume that you have a roommate, about to break up, are gay, or running a business.
>Gf/bf is what kids say.
no it's not. I have heard adults say this even in to their 80's. partner makes me think you are doing something because you have to.

Until very recently partner was generally assumed to be a gay/lesbian pairing, that said I always say wife so there is no question.
>I always say wife so there is no question.
Right? even the gay couple my wife (notice I said wife) knows call each other husbands.
This is weird.
You idiots are weird.

Mods, delete the thread since people can't act like adults
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saying partner immediately causes problems. because (as I just looked up) it's used a lot in the LGTBPQSJFA or whatever community. funny thing is they don't seem to like it if you are not gay and use it. but by using a stand out word like that you immediately derail the thread. if you use the right words (even if you don't like them) you won't get guff. simple as.
>I have a degenerative spine condition that will only get worse. I just want to chill and live without anxiety or worry.
>My plan is likely to just live in a metal box with good ventilation. I have to convince my partner first.
your mistake was mentioning this. it's all not relevant information. though you did ask this on 4chan and should know by now (unless you are new) that you will get abuse here.
>How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
this is all you should have asked.

and the answer is, in an apartment or assisted living facility where they do almost everything for you. any place you live that is not managed by someone else is going to require constant maintenance.
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>I have to convince my partner first.
Regenerate your spine. Look into peptides, antihelmetics.

Peptides, because a lot of them have to do with repair, and are natural molecules that cannot be patented.

Dewormers because god knows what people are carrying these days, that are gradually attacking their system. Particularly people that use the term 'partner'; 1400% more likely to have one or more parasite infestations.
Sounds like a good reason to rent and make all of that someone else's problem

>Mods, delete the thread since people can't act like adults
If this was cause enough to delete a thread this board wouldn't exsist newfag
>diy telling you to make other people do it for you
Like pottery
>uses "partner" because afraid of muh reddit sjw fee fees
>calling anyone else out on not acting like adults
lmao fag

>question was literally "how do i NOT do anything myself"
>hurr hurr /do it someoneelse/ pootery
lmao fag
>Mods, send them to the principal's office and have their posts expelled
That was literally my first thought when reading this post, kek.
>How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
rent an apartment
This, and specifically a bougie one w/ management company and amenities -- not only will you not have to do maintenance, you'll basically be forbidden. And they should have a web portal for submitting tickets. Alternatively if you want to own, you hire the labor. Nothing at the scale of a structure protecting you from the elements is ever going to be appreciably low-maintenance, best you can do without intervention is "not actively crumbling for now". In other words, somebody's going to be maintaining it, or you'll be living in a derelict hovel in a few years. Retarded question TBQH

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