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I'm replacing the capacitor and compressor fan motor on my AC.

The old capacitor is a 20/4 440. Is it safe to replace it with a 20/5 440?

Pic related is the old capacitor.
It's fine, its not exactly rocket surgery
Probably fine, capacitor will just carry more juice for the kick than needed.
okay great, thanks
use the exact same capacitor.
Will cause extra wear on the motor, making it fail sooner, need exact same specs

just remember to cut the power, wear electrical gloves, and discharge the old capacitor safely. u can find that info on youtube.

Don't get shocked by a capacitor its dangerous.
> replacing the fan motor
What is the specified capacitor for the new fan motor.
Most use 5 but many use 7.5
A few use 3 (Rheem/Rudd)
The general rule of thumb is you can go plus or minus 10% of the rating. So, for a 4mfd cap you could go 4.4 safely. Is the extra 6/10ths of a microfarad going to damage your motor? Probably not.

How do you know the old cap is bad?

Get fucked retards.
Pic rel is the box for the new motor, I already replaced it. it says CAP 5 so I think I'm okay?

the old capacitor was bulging out at top
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forgot pic
>The general rule of thumb is you can go plus or minus 10% of the rating.
Op is going solely off the old cap, what if that one was already %10 higher?
Seem pretty unlikely, like 99% of hvac systems use like, one of two cap sizes.
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OP here -

thanks your all your help, I installed the new capacitor and the unit seems to be working just fine (knock on wood)

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