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Hello! This is my backyard. It's boring and full of grass. I would like to grow vegitables and herbs while still making it aesthetic for my wife. Are there any tools to assist with design or do i have to be creative?

(grey is house, wood is our deck, the lines are powerlines that cant be dug)
First, read up on what grows well in your plant hardiness zone. If you want it to be cookie cutter, just square it off with a string, dig and turn the soil.
With that little space I'd recommend making raised beds, at least for flowering plants. Put all the plants with nice flowers together, including herbs/veggies.
Ya know, you could recreate your house in minecraft and experiment with how colors/flowers/plants might look in 3D, honestly that's the best application I can think of. Shaders/texture packs would probably improve realism, maybe mods. CAD is probably too in-depth for this type of design, unfortunately
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holy shit. I never thought of this. This is actually a great idea

really gives use to the term "in minecraft"
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i've now built a 1:1 replica of my house in minecraft lmao. It's so small
LMFAO glad to see it, could go bigger on the scale in MC to add all the little details
Maybe there's a mod that lets you be bigger than two blocks
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Here ya go.
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details are nice, but I can sort that out in reality. I only needed something general. This was super fucking helpful and I really appreciated your tips. I think I'll go with this

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