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I need a circuit to install on my front porch. Kids are hitting my fence everytime they go out, and its driving my mom to the point of tears. Their parents are assholes (the whole place is getting filled with asshats), and I need to take matters into my own hands.

An impact sensor plugged to a strong siren will do the trick for now. Either that or big ass dogs to chase away the kids, but Id rather make the alarm.
Youre a pussy
fuck that, get a super soaker and set it to nail the kids who do that.
Few ideas
Sensor that releases mustard gas
Tie a rope from their car to somewhere on their house that will rip off something when they leave
Sprinkler system that sprays acid
Dig a large pit with spikes and cover it back up, make sure to put poo on the spikes
Easiest thing with the most plausible deniability is one of those motion-sensor sprinklers they sell to ward off predators. I have been thinking about getting a few to deal with the woodland critters going after my chickens/garden All you have to do is run a hose to it. If you want it triggered by something other than motion you can always solder a different sensor onto the trigger as well.
If they're kicking the fence and causing damage, that's a criminal act in most countries.
If cops won't do shit, try wedging an air horn so the top gets pressed when it's hit but being noisy isn't going to help your mom
>be anon
>fix siren to fence
Fixed it mom, you can relax
You forgot dropping an anvil from a cliff and gift basket of dynamite
Can you elaborate keyboard bitch fairy?
Typical autistic reply

The only good idea in this thread.

Cops ain't gonna do shit.

OP here's what you do:
Give them one chance. Calmly speak to the parents and ask that the kids please stop.
If it continues, set up a wireless camera to record each incident. Once you have enough videos call the police and make a complaint. Show them the videos. The cops should go over and tell them to knock it off. If that fails then its sprinkler time.
My mom had a similar problem once. The neighbor's kids kept coming in her yard and climbing her tree. They yelled and bitched but the little sumbitches kept doing it. One day my mom cleaned all the dog shit out of the yard and smeared it all over the tree. They got caked in shit when they tried climbing the tree and took off. They never came back.

tl:dr smear shit or industrial grease on fence until they get the hint.
Pay a homeless dude to kick the shit out of them
Any kind of siren or other loud noise maker will just encourage the kids to do it more as being shitheads is their motivation. Depending on the age and light reflectivity of the "kids", a large dog might indeed help. Just be absolutely sure it can't make it past the fence.
Where is that muratic acid fag when it would actually be funny?
He's honeymooning in Bali with his new husband the vinenegar fag.
Get a mercury switch from an old thermostat or a tilt switch, affix it to the fence as a sensor.

Have you considered electrifying the fence? In many communities it's legal if you hang the placards.
>Sensor that releases mustard gas
wiley coyote has entered the chat.

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