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Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job in demolition, pay ain't bad, but the thing is I'm kind of a weak fuck who sits at home playing video games all day and I've never had a manual labor job in my life. I need a job kinda bad though. Is it a bad idea to take it or nah?
You'll probably get thrashed like fuck for a while but as long as you keep trying and keep learning you'll get strong as fuck and better at labouring with time.
demo isn't really the worst thing, it's wheelbarrows and buckets and shit, simple and straightforward, not much goes wrong. I would rather demo than stock freight or something.
>Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job in demolition
Don’t do it he’s going to trick you into tunneling into the vault at fort knox
Have fun inhaling all kinds of deadly ancient construction materials
>Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job
And also not getting any of the compensation you agreed to
> it's wheelbarrows and buckets and shit, simple and straightforward, not much goes wrong.
99% of demo work is moving all the shit one or two people tear down into another place to be hauled off, and then sweeping up the mess.
That guy likely just needs a warm body to nigger-tote garbage from the pile to the dumpster. The heaviest thing you'll probably be swinging is a shovel.
You will get callouses on your hands and strong soon enough. Also work smart rather than hard and you will be sweet
Construction hurts for the first couple weeks, but after that you'll be tempered and won't even notice. Get yourself decent boots and lots of really cheap gloves. Demo is easy, you literally cannot fuck up.
>you literally cannot fuck up.
You could demo something that wasn't supposed to be demo'ed.
Everything will eventually be demo'ed. Worst that can happen is you're unexpectedly proactive.
Take care of your lungs. A lot of old homes aren't ideal to be ripping up and dragging all that down your pipe. I always throw on a vent when I'm spraying or tearing up nasty shit. I've turned down jobs of ripping up the little 9x9 tile.

Physically, you'll probably kick ass for two days then be whipped like a dog the last half of the week.

If there's something you're not supposed to demo, pay close attention. Keep your wits about you and mind what the other guys are doing because they can screw up and get you hurt just the same.

Demo is the easiest shit ever. If I could make $50 an hour to demo I would be so happy.

Also ALWAYS wear a mask during demo, like a full respirator, and test it using the hand holding over each filter technique. You don't want to breathe in dust from the demo

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