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How much does it cost to have temperature control my room?
bout three fiddy
You are either wording this question, very poorly, or you are an actual <80 IQ retard. Please be specific. Or ask /g/. They'd love to help.
window ac's are $200-$300 new
portable ac is like $400
diy heat pump set is maybe $800
box fan is like $20
All of it.
but also yep
Don't do this OP.

I let temperature control my room for a week and it was a mess afterwards. He stayed up all nite playing video games and eating pizza everywhere. Left his dirty socks on the floor. It was gross.
You're not giving anywhere near enough info for literally anyone, online or offline, to answer that question, OP.
Less than $200.

Why don't you ask temperature that question, doofus
Assuming you have a central HVAC system controlled by a thermostat:
Buy some thermostat wire.
Remove the existing thermostat.
Splice on to the ends of the existing thermostat wires.
Extend thermostat wires to the room in question.
Reinstall thermostat in that room.
Now you have temperature control of your HVAC system based on the temperature of that room.
All for the cost of like $10-$20 worth of low voltage wire.

Assuming you don't have central HVAC:
Install a dedicated HVAC system for that room. Like a window heat pump. Or a window mounted A/C plus a space heater.
Probably a few hundred bucks?
€9.99 at Lidl

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