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How do you make a mattress made out of eczema/allergy friendly materials? I want to use 100% organic cotton, farm sourced wool, and natural latex. The mattress is going to be covered by a dust mite mattress cover at all times. There must no springs withing the mattress as it can get nasty on the inside.
Hand over all of your money to an eco-lunatic company.
>8900kr is about $1300
I could just get a mattress case like the dust mite one I mentioned and put anything I want into it. You can't do that with conventional mattresses.
someone has fallen for the mattress seller propaganda.

have you ever opened up a used mattress anon? there is no skin flakes or dust mites in them.
What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't type anything about used mattresses.
>There must no springs withing the mattress as it can get nasty on the inside.
Doesn't work that way.
OP. Fuck all that bullshit you were going to use. Sew a 8 x 4 ft cotton sack and stuff it with as much straw as you can. Experiment with the coarseness of the shred and report back.
I chuckled.
Tried a hammock yet? Learn the varieties. They can be very comfy.

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