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could I use this and a cordless drill to make a cheap propeller for my inflatable boat?
Yes, that's a great idea with no downsides. You should go do it right now and ignore any negative nellies you might see in this thread.
Actually, corded drills without have more power. Think about using one of those instead.
not without modification, the ring on the bottom is meant terminate any rotational thrust otherwise the mixer would propel itself out of the bucket every time you mix.
Why not just get a junkyard/free motor and pull the propeller off to Chuck in the drill
Get a real propeller and put it on an old weedeater. It legit works lol
No, that's a stupid question. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Cordless is retarded, you'll run out of juice and be stranded in the middle of a lake. Use corded for sure
yes, but jerry rig your own battery pack or you'll be replacing batteries all the time
No. Attempting to use this to propel a boat will only generate laughter from others watching.
Do it anon, but you probably want a real propeller.
Battery life would be the only problem.

even shitty lithium drills have enough oompf in them to spin that thing surprisingly fast and with a shitton of torque
At this point, rent a pedal boat.

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