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any good sites out there for learning tools and basic common parts for true beginners and what they do?

the extent of my DIY knowledge is I took the flow restrictor out of the showerhead, and I put together this chair from the pic, which took an hour doing it in my small room trying to figure out how i'm supposed to keep the arms and the seat all together with 2 hands while a third hand screws them in before realizing I could just do it one at a time and slide the seat in. also kept trying to jam in a piece that apparently you just lightly put in and fold down.

Like, i watched a video of someone putting it together beforehand, but it was a different model, but he called the wheels "casters" and i would've just called em wheels. Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws? etc. These kinda basic things I have to know before attempting anything else.

Other than that I just make furniture out of boxes cuz im poor. My current desk is a keyboard stand with a plank of wood from my old ikea bed on top of it, extended out on each side by a mountain of boxes which double as a place where i can keep stuff. I'm pretty proud of this ingenuity ngl.
>Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws?

It's either a flatwasher or a lockwasher. One is to keep the screw from getting pulled through the hole and the other is to keep it from loosening itself from general use.

Here is as good a place as any to learn the basics. There are also several good youtube channels like Project Farm or DIY Basics
I think you may want more basis in basic science stuff like materials (hardness, elasticity, stress concentrations), statics, and basic ’machine’ parts (bearings, screws, bolts, hinges). The rest is just doing stuff. Disassemble something, question why parts are there, or why they are shaped like they are. Try to build something and question why it fails.

Most shit is designed just by someone with knowledge and experience wondering “how do I make this thing not fail, cheaply”. Also look into manufacturing (what’s “how it’s made”). A lot of stuff these days is designed the way it is just to make them easy to manufacture.

There’s a great book called ‘Structures’ by L.E. Gordon that explains a lot of basic considerations on how to build stuff. There’s also Industrial Production by Kals which is a uni textbook that goes over standard parts and methods of producing and attaching things
Rather than searching for sites, which can be ephemeral, and require a computer set up, go for books.

You can get many great basic diy books at thrift stores, with titles like The Home Digest Fix It Yourself Guide. You can also get some great educational books by finding the appropriate FM or TM military manual.
A lot of those are on sites like SCRIBED if you want pdf files rather than hardcopy.

A great book for the absolute beginner:
yes. go to any archive magazines
if your feeling more adventurous
go on like google books or some other archive look up popular mechanichs
honesty there is so much out there
just not modern

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