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How often do you change your sheets and wash your blankets?
How many backups do you have?
What kind of blankets, pillows and mattress do you use?
>How often do you change your sheets and wash your blankets?
Sheets weekly, blankets biweekly.
>How many backups do you have?
3 sets of bedding. White cotton flat sheets,( no fitted) for a total of nine sheets. Six pillowcases.
>What kind of blankets, pillows and mattress do you use?
Wool blankets. cheap pillows as they wear out in the wash. Mattress I bought local. Some no name with a decent memory foam topper.

I just wait until the dried jizz stains get hard and scratchy, or start growing mushrooms
when one corner starts to come off and my cover comes off the doona
One backup
Only faggots change their sheets and wash blankets. Maybe do it once every 5 years if that.

Mattress = Purple mattress and pillow is MyPillow.

ALWAYS lower your tone/eyes when speaking to me. Thanks.
sheets and blankets weekly
comforter monthly
1 set of backups, it's a 1-day turnaround for cleaning bedding to me so I have any day of the week to mix bedding in with other loads, or find time
This is /diy/ so I sleep in a pile of of crushed walnuts, painted black, in a shed, at the end of a path.
gross virgin
This posters' bedding will achieve sentience in a matter of days.
> How often do you change your sheets and wash your blankets?
Sheets + pillowcases once a month or so, blankets pretty much never I just use a duvet cover.
> How many backups do you have?
Too many, I usually just wash and put back the same sheets.
> What kind of blankets, pillows and mattress do you use?
I think my blanket is IKEA, the other stuff is a linen set I got from a lands end outlet. I like linen.
I got fat man mattress "big fig"

I love it. Bought it like 6 years ago and it came shipped freight not rolled up. I think now they sell it rolled up which sounds gay and maybe like they cheapened it. It's very firm.
If you have to wash it change your bedsheets weekly or monthly you’re a disgusting slob that doesn’t bathe properly
Every two or three weeks for my sheets, but only because I have a dog
Says the disgusting slob who sleeps in old skin and face grease
Says the gong-farmer who insists on trying to reproduce the "Shroud Of Turin" using their bedlinen and personal penchant for filth.
yearly for both more or less
clean up your diet and learn how to bathe, you degenerate
No diet or bathing regimen can stop you from sweating, drooling and shedding skin and hair while you sleep, you stinky fool
so you're a mouth breather too? what a surprise
Your face leaks while you sleep and you roll around in it for months trying to act high and mighty but its not gonna work
Youre a dirtbag in denial
Very cute dog, anon!
no it doesn't you mouth-breathing retard
Pillow cases, have a few. One side a night, flip the next night, then replace day 3 and wash the first one.
Clean and sensible
Wretched incel
I have a room which i use only for drying clothes and guests which sleep over. It has two beds in it. I folded some clothes on the bed and left it there for a couple of months laying. Yesterday i found small red ants walking on the bed. Like 5 of them total. I have had thise ants before, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the living room. Now they are on the bed which isnt even used. Weird
I rarely change my sheets and i sleep on the couch because tv and air conditioner
Do you really think breathing through your nose makes you immune to producing saliva?
Every Sunday. By always washing bedding on the same day of the week, it becomes a habit so I don't have the even think about when was the last time they were washed. I have two sets of "summer" cotton sheets though I typically just use one set each year. I have one set of "winter" sheets that are flannel.

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