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>Doesn't sell tractors.
It does sell tractor supplies.
can't stop shitposting.
There had to be backlash to get them to stop supporting queers

I'll take my business to Rural King and elsewhere
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The virgin TSC vs. the Chad Blain's
can't a home at Home Depot either

can't even get walls at Walmart
It'll help fund trooning out your kids, so that's something, anyway.
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You can buy an overpriced Tuff Shed and convert it into a home.
Damn I'm glad I got my tiny house before the price gouging
I've only ordered from BFF online, they don't exist in my area

Another based store that's only in like upstate New York is Countrymax.
my local TSC has Kubota tractors though...
Mine has cub cadet or something
Doesn't sell farms or fleets...

Neither does Fleet Farm!
Sells propane and propane accessories.
What even is a fleet in this context?
ChatGPT informs

> In the context of stores like Blain's Farm and Fleet and Fleet Farm, the word "fleet" refers to a group or collection of vehicles, especially those used for transportation or shipping. Historically, these stores were established to serve the needs of farmers, providing a wide range of agricultural supplies and equipment. The term "fleet" in their names likely reflects the original focus on goods related to farming and transportation, catering to the needs of rural communities where such equipment and supplies were essential. So, "fleet" here suggests a comprehensive assortment of products, originally targeted towards agricultural and transportation needs.
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>Doesn't sell tractors.
Rural King does
>Rural King does
Yeah but they don't sell Kings...
you figure Dayle and Bobby Lee just drove theirs to the store?
A fleet is a type of small Mexican fighting chicken.
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The OG

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