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File: IMG_9103.jpg (129 KB, 1024x683)
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You do NOT need THAT much mortar!!
A house made of mortar is as frail as a house made of wet sand. Use the mortar only sparingly as a GLUE to hold together the BRICKS that actually provide structural integrity, not as a bulking agent for the wall. This is what separates the white man’s architecture from that of the Guatemalan illegal aliens you hired in a Home Depot parking lot.
thats the worst wall I've ever seen
mortar is cheaper than brick, at least back in the day, not sure about todays prices
thanks most people already figured it out
Is your picture what you think the average bricklayer's work looks like? The only people doing shit like that are in india or some other destitute shithole
I've noticed this a lot more recently, especially obvious when the brickwork is near an older building. Not as bad as your pick, but still a layer thts way too thick.
>what if a orangatang builded a wall
Is this an AI picture? What the fuck
that's a wall in some street-shitter country.
>use the mortar as GLUE
Wrong. Mortar isn’t adhesive you idiot
then why it makes an adhesive bond between bricks. please use your brains. god gave them to you, your mom tried to squeeze them with her canal.
My 113 year old walls say this is the correct amount of mortar.

Then why can’t I take the bricks off each other. We used to do wall tiles with mortar long before tile adhesive became a thing

theres lots of styles and reasons for them
chill the fuck out
>His walls are talking
Anon... I have some bad news
>why can’t I take the bricks off each other
Friction fit
Serbian-level autism down here

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