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I want to build a greenhouse along the side of my house like such. Is this a good idea? Would I encounter problems by building it so close to the fence/house?
? go google what ur allowed to build and figure it out...
as long as you never want to access that side of your house and fence again, sure

if you were smart you'd leave like a 3ft gap
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You'll need to grow plants that do will in shade of you put it there. Anything that needs full sun, you can forget it.
I don't know about you, but when I decide to build a room dedicated solely to growing plants, I look for the single shadiest and worst-irrigated part of the yard.
Neve going to make it.
are you a civil engineer?
what does use mean? put tools against it?
sure, but we aware of permits and stuff like that
RIP windows
>that shade
might as well put it your basement
this, it's too shaded, unless you set up grow lights

Just plant some plants that do well in shade. Hostas are good for that.
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What about those two windows on side of your house?
>Would I encounter problems by building it so close to the fence/house?
Unless your local permitting authority is very relaxed or oblivious, chances are you may run into issues. Typically zoning requires a minimum side yard building setback for various reasons... maintaining a maximum local building density, utilities access, clear access to the rear yard for fire/rescue/paramedics. If local zoning/permitting is notified you've built in your sideyard setback you'd probably be subject to some fines. If it were me, I'd build it somewhere behind the house where it's not visible from the street.
just make some cold frames or min pollytunnel
Make sure you get permission (unlikely) from your landlord. Many don't allow new construction on their rental properties.
the grass that's growing there is the thickest on the lawn. I took the photo in the late evening when the sun is going down, so it's only partial shade. I also want to store tools there like a shed, but I don't want to block the light of the windows so i figured a greenhouse would be ideal. i think I may just go with an off the shelf polytunnel. I need 40 ft but I guess I'll just join 2 20 ft ones. It shouldn't be too hard
>shady ass greenhouse
sure, if you are going to grow mushrooms only, it would be perfect
4 months later: hey /diy/, need help building a soil elevator. Any tips?
>Please wait a while before making a post.

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