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So im going to be resheathing my house with 4x8 zip sheathing. I'm going to be doing it alone for the most part and I had a question on rigging.

If im doing 4x8 sheathing and lifting 1-3 sheets max at a time, do I just use 8 ft rigging slings (half of the diameter choked off) and a Clevis Slip Hook attached to the yellow 1 inch rope on the well wheel? If I have it in a choker it should be fine with two slings right? any tips for working alone?

is this all i need?


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pic related, this is what im trying to acheive on the well wheel going up the scaffolding.
pls respond
It's a slow board dude. Most guys are at work right now. Keep it up and all you'll get is shit.
i know dude, I just didnt want it to die since its been 24+ hrs no response lol

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Try it, and tell us how it goes. Not sure how we're gonna help you.

You need to take those tracking links, off your Amazon URLs.
> So im going to be resheathing my house with 4x8 zip sheathing.
But why, though?
It looks ugly as hell and no one does this shit anymore since like 40 years or so…
Oh, you’re American. Never mind then.
Theyre really not thay heavy to carry and move. Just throw em on the scaffolding from the ground.
If you need to overthink it, slings work fine, but will be annoying I think.
Look into lifting clamps for the spendier sexier option.

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