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File: MooƗ2&bork.jpg (3.82 MB, 4032x3024)
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Shite situation resulted in needing to butcher another Mutton. Fucking flock sire ram broke his leg.

used orange bottle solution.

butcher day scraped & salted. fold skin side onto itself. scrape again 16 hrs later. add 2nd round of salt, fold in on itself again. 24 hrs later, scrape again. salt 3rd time leave open face up. scrape again 16 hrs later. wash hide in dawn soap, lay on rack to dry overnight, next day, while still wet, work in orange bottle tan agent. over next week, alternate between storing folded and stretching to allow slow drying and softening.

Ron (white) will most likely become our headboard. will contour cut some 1.75cm sheet wood, decorative head nail around his perimeter, then stuff 2cm worth of wool between hide and wood.

blaze (black) is a rug in front of our bedroom wood stove.

these are my 4th and 5th attempt at tanning.
does this make the dog feel uncomfortable?
that dog looks pretty comfy to me.
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to add: I missed one step in description. after the 3rd scraping, wife submerged hide into a salt bath for 4 hours. I also think, that I DID NOT wash in dawn soap after salting. I think that was prior to starting the process, directly after skinning.

picrel is skin side of black hide shown in OP, after final scrape, just prior to working in tan agent.
For a second I thought they were wolf hides and became concerned for the dog.
your house fucking stinks

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