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File: cedes.jpg (21 KB, 477x265)
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are old CDs/DVDs the DIY final boss?
I've noever seen anything done with them, nothing remotely useful or interesting. the most you get is some mosaic or some other "art" stuff.
hang them on a string to scare birds away
Break 'em up, grind 'em up, whatever. Put it into a mold, pour epoxy over it and put it on a lathe.
you're taking them the wrong way
its inherently stupid to try and diy them for use in stuff that isnt digital
the real DIY experience is using these cds to burn and pirate stuff onto it, and doing things like pic rel where you cut up regular cds to fit into a gamecube (this does actually work its been tested)
I thought of this kid when I saw this thread.
Look up old things people did with AOL disks. I bet you'll find something. I remember having huge stacks.
CD's nuts!
>needed to use a CD for the first time in a decade
>search around, find stack of CDs and get my old Hirens BootDisk
>has disc rot and wont actually boot

Good riddance, im going to throw them all in the dumpster

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