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How can I fix these stairs and what tools/supplies will I need?
I hired some movers to move a gun safe into my basement and they fucked up and dropped the cart half way down and dented up the stairs. Luckily they gave me a refund but now I need to fix this shit.
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Do you have some special reason for wanting your basement stairs to look pretty? I’ve had great experience using bondo to fill in wooden windowsills that were gnawed on for 5 years by a retarded dog and in worse shape than your gouges. They were , however , painted afterwards.
Seems like a pretty cheap repair to refund the entire cost. I guess moving a safe isn’t an expensive thing to do so maybe like 100$ is fair, although it barely even seems like 100$ worth of damage since the stairs are possibly unfinished.
>how do I fix wood
Fill it in or cut it out and replace it. What exactly are you asking? You need an itemized list with the exact size prybar? Should I add the sku on there or will you be okay with just a description?
Get a little stain that matches your stairs and stain the gouges. Call it character and see if you can live with it. If not, get some wax sticks and use that to fill the gouges. Wax is way easier to apply than filler. Still not happy? Cover it with something like carpet the whole way, metal corner guards or whatever you can think of that you'd like. Wood filler isn't going to hold up very well on those corners and it isn't going to match very easily. Custom made dutchmen repairs or inset wood corners is out of your skill level.
Only true fix is replacing the stair tops, then staining those tops. The problem is you’re never going to match the original color exactly.
Use a grey bondo and just live with it or paint the threads. Else stain match and replace the threads.

Since the stairs are fir and the floor and skirt board are oak, go ahead and replace things.
Those shitty stairs are made out of pine 2x10 framing boards. Go to the hardware store, buy a board and a small can of matching stain. Replace the treads and stain it to match. The whole job will take less than an hour (assuming you're competent) and cost like $15 in material.

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