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File: 3d panel.png (967 KB, 1275x1224)
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I didn’t know where else to ask, I made a shitty like accent wall of these 3d panels to cover up ugly old panel board, but they have gaps that I can’t seem to remedy between the panels. I know some people use like caulk for it, but I’m trying to find a way not to damage the paneling below. I’ve used double sided tape to hold the actual panels up.

Any ideas
Picture would really help.
File: Panels.jpg (842 KB, 2185x1660)
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Here’s an example. No matter how I move it, there’s some gap on one side. I’d show more widely but my whole area is a mess right now. I thought of those adhesive trim you can buy pretty cheap but then the issue is more of the intersections.
heat em up a little in the oven
place on flat floor surface and squish them into place
let cool
Have you tried rotating them or moving the ones most out of spec to the edge?
Looking at the video on Home Depot's web site, even they end up with gaps until they caulk between the panels. If you don't want to do that, taping over the seams sounds like your best option. If you're patient enough to get the tape straight, using colored tape could become part of the design.
make them so they interlock or overlap on two sides
*thought those were 3D printed.
Add buy 3D printer before previous instruction
>a way not to damage the paneling below
>double sided tape
Pick one
A quick cocktail napkin calculation appears to show that 3D printing them would cost about 50% more than purchasing the ready made panels from HDX. But you would be able to make them interlocking, so it might be worth it.
What I use is alien tape and I’ve tested it. It works well and doesn’t trod up the wood so far.
All tape adhesive will eventually dry up, bond to the surface and ruin something. Might take 5 years, 10 years or more, but it will happen. The only way to prevent it is periodically replacing the tape with fresh stuff.
How periodically would you recommend?

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