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Sorry for making a new thread but I didn't know where to discuss this on 4chan. I've used this site almost 20 years

I want to make a teddy bear like this, how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select? He has a music box and plays teddy bears picnic, I would like to add music boxes too. I want to make durable but soft ones for kids to use.
>how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select?
I'd start by copying paste the same exact image you showed us and feeding it to GPT-4o, you be surprised how much you can learn by asking Ai first
File: how to draw a horse.png (520 KB, 1152x924)
520 KB
520 KB PNG

You're basically going to get fuzzy fabric from the craft store and sew it inside out. Machine sew all but the back and then turn rightside out and stuff with fluff also from the craft store and hand stitch to hide the seam.

You can work up the pattern with paper or fabric. You can also deconstruct an existing stuffy to copy the pattern. You also might be able to find a pattern online.

You can practice the pattern and/or create out of any type of fabric (e.g. cut up old jeans) but your final fur fabric might be tougher to get a needle through.

Music box (or airtracker) goes in before you sew up the back. Please don't be some sickfuck pedo.

tl;dr: learn to sew
I am over 40, I'm never going to do that. That stuff is going to contaminate the thought process of humanity.

I mean...was looking for specific advice on needles etc as mentioned. Thanks though
I haven't bought needles in 30 years so I don't know what kind of horrid chinese pseudo steel they are making them out of these days.

Otherwise they're just needles, some are a little larger and some smaller but they all work provided they fit the thread. Quality thread is bought on the spool not in sewing kits. More important than the needle is a thimble for fabrics like the fur, but that depends on which fur fabric you buy.

Which stitch you use matters even for hand sewing, probably more for hand sewing, and you haven't been clear if you have a machine or are getting one. It's really hard to guess what your level of sewing experience is, start with some easier fabric and an easier project. Cut up old t-shirts and make little bags or something, idk you could have a Vevor at home or not understand the difference between needles and pins. You left it pretty wide open. Regardless good luck.
Thank you. I would probably want to hand sew them as the idea is to make something nice

I feel like my whole life has been pointless. My idea is to get just one bear even into the arms of a kid who has nothing. To just try to make the world better in some way.

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