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File: kussen rubber mesh.jpg (399 KB, 1632x1228)
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10 Days ago I made a thread about my couch cushions sliding across the leather couch, asking for help on how to get them better fixated. Someone here suggested rubber mesh anti slip mats so I bought one at IKEA and it works wonders. The thread was archived already but I just wanted to thank that person for the wonderful suggestion.

It was a pretty big sheet since it's normally used to place under carpets so I folded it a few times and nailed it to the bottom plate of the back cushions.

My only regret is not having nailed the first line nicely in the same direction. But hey, at least they don't touch the surface of the couch so there's no risk of damage to the leather surface.

Thanks anon, my expensive couch is now both aesthetic and practical.
Not the anon that helped you but its always good to see people that get useful advice on here!
I can't believe you didn't even use my rope and hook suggestion. Fuck you, man.
Not OP, but I liked your solution the best.
Because it wouldn't rely on friction.
Except for the aesthetic challenge of using a visible solution instead of something hidden.
Using a leather strap or some kind of contrasting webbing might have worked out and looked good.
Maybe when the carpet mat stops working OP will seek out something more sturdy.

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