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>take cardboard box
>cut hole for air register
>sucks cooler air from higher up
>energy bill is cut in half

This is why boomers have money and youre always broke.
I don't have central air though
Doesn't warmer air rise up, meaning cooler air would be closer to the ground?
who the fuck knows I just turn a ceiling fan on low while the AC is on to keep it circulating better than the built in fan can do it. But it doesn't matter which direction I set the fan to spin, just need air to move.
>turn thermostat to call for less cooling

I just saved you a cardboard box
Waste of money. This box doubles the airflow cause if the right angle. Makes it a turbo vacuum in, but it blows way less air out.

No. Warm air heats the floor and the air near the ceiling is colder.
>Warm air heats the floor and the air near the ceiling is colder.

I didnt know the laws nature changed to where heat doesnt rise and cold air does. are you living in an alternative dimension or something?
Too cold? Put on a jumper
Too hot? Open a window
Just saved you 100% of your energy bill.
>Too hot? Open a window
Lol ok
>77 deg inside apt
>That's too hot for comfort
>90 deg outside
>Open the window like anon says
>OMG why is it just getting hotter in here all of a sudden??
>call upon elder magicks
>opened a window to Omtose Phellack
>entire energy company rendered inconsequential next to your millennium-long reign of tyranny
this is why Jaghut have power and youre broke
Ok, Delat
I guess I should have said Raest

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