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File: 1691271427934729.jpg (53 KB, 719x601)
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Im looking for good/budget 180/360 security cameras that have good image quality and preferably some kind of zoom that I can also control from my phone and PC preferably with some open source software
I have bought three Tuya WiFi cameras but they suck and the software sucks as well
Im also looking for a good spy cam, something not noticeable since im trying to catch if someone is messing with my shit
Reolink has regular sales on their ebay stores. Not their main website, it's always got some 'special deal' counter which is so gay and retarded.

You should be able to get the Argus Eco w the solar charging that only needs 2.4ghz wifi to send you alerts when it sees movement. ~$35

Tip: Use Pro Endurance Samsung microsd cards w your cameras. ~$12

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