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I live in a place where summers is hot and humid and I am willing to install a decent heat pump to take care of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production.

My doubt is about the system to adopt for cooling, since moisture control is a must.

I was checking on soffit-installed fancoils but they should not be able to collect enough condensed water to make the environment dry while cooling. Any experience about those? I am now checking on split terminal that being air to air rather than water to air might perform better, but is that even true?
I just bought a decent $300 dehumidifier and ran a drain hose out the wall. Now my interior humidity stays where I want it regardless of what the heating & cooling is doing.
If that's you OP, you need to cut the beer. FYI for all you younger people, alcohol gradually damages the liver. Then the belly swells up to try and push fluid through. This is why chronic daily drinkers get that late stage beer belly.

Not just from fat or estrogenic aspects of beer.

That would solve your overheating issues, and slow down your liver disease, which will eventually cause the ammonia in your gut to get into your brain, making you literally lose your mind, turning you into a completely different, possessed evil person who has no idea that the ammonia is cooking their brain.

> How do i cool without dehumidifying.

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